Royal Dreadfire Company Organization in Kanarus | World Anvil
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Royal Dreadfire Company


The RDC acts as an arm of the Dratheri Republics Royal Navy. It therefore follows the rigid militaristic structure of the Navy in its rankings, they are as follows.   Almiranti - Commands the presence of the RDC within the Dreadfire.   Capitan de Navio - Commands a single ship.   Capitan de Fregata - Commanders are second to Capitan de Navio's   Teniente de Navio - Lieutenants govern a certain aspect of each ship   Guardia Marina - Midshipmen who hold no real rank but are in the process of being trained.   Seamen - General sailors.

Public Agenda

The Royal Dreadfire Companies presence within the Dreadfire is not one shrouded with secrecy. Everyone knows that the RDC is here for two reasons. First, to acquire resources to continue supporting the Dratheri Republics. Second, to conquer new land for the acquirement of said resources. Do to the heavy losses the Dratheri Republics suffered at the hands of Drakenhiem, the RDC switched its original purpose to one of conquest.   It arrived in the Dreadfire with force, turning its established trading port into a fortress. From here it launched its attacks on the Nehkaran Empire, they were able to conquer several small islands but the Golden Fleet proved a greater threat than expected. The RDC has negotiated a fragile truce with the Nehkaran Empire along with its biggest rival the WVTC, that has held for now.   Despite this truce, the RDC is still trying to expand through less overt means.


The RDC commands the full support of the main government from the Dratheri Republics. Despite this, their material assets are quite large within the Dreadfire itself. To begin, the RDC commands a powerful navy, along with being a powerful mercantile company in the Dreadfire. They also have a trained military that serves on said navy. In addition, they posses the gold to pay this army and much much more.


The Royal Dreadfire Company was once just a normal merchant house within the Dratheri Republic. During the last war with the Drakenhiem Dominion, the Dratheri Republics faced heavier losses than they ever had. Do to increasing power of the war machine that is the Drakenhiem Dominion, the Dratheri Republic's lost all their land West of the Stormpeaks. This land that was lost was primarily farmland that supplied many resources to Dratheri proper, to the East of the Stormpeaks.   The Drakenhiem Dominion sued for peace after the Dratheri lost their lands, the Dratheri Republics had no choice but to accept, albeit begrudgingly. To solve their new resource crisis, the Royal Dreadfire Company saw opportunity. They already had a trading outpost in the Dreadfire Archipelago, although it was not the most profitable port or the main focus of the company. The RDC seized their opportunity regardless, they sent all their might to Port Zakynthos and built a fortress and major dock, renaming the port to Fort Zakynthos as it is named to this day.   The RDC used this new Fort to launch an offensive against the native Nehkaran Empire and seized several islands near their Fort. They faced opposition at every turn, from the Golden Fleet of Nehkara, the Naga prowling the seas, and the deadly Lizardmen. Despite the constant threat and war, the RDC was providing much needed resources to the mainland. The Dratheri Republic's sent more support for the RDC and promoted them the ruling council.   The RDC faced its main threat against the Golden Fleet of Nehkara, and the growing presence of its bitter rival the WVTC. After many years of war, the three groups held a peace summit within Nekara and all agreed on a fragile truce. This hasn't stopped minor skirmish's and sly ways of hurting each other though, and war always seems to be right on the brink.

Hope lies with the RDC!

Financial, Merchant League
Major Exports
Precious metals, gemstones, weapons, dye's, seafood, stone.
Major Imports
Food, wood, animals, fabrics, sparkpowder,
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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