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kæmpe verden

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The vikigr of the old world had recently discovered a giant new land many times larger than the old world, although the people of this new world were hesitant to interact with the vikigr but they lived in relative peace for a time. but after around a decade the vikigr moved inward into the planes of kæmpe verden, but no madder how many settlements the tried to create, they would all be disappear before the end of night. the vikigr who decided to make proper peace with natives and live together would learn about new gods who walked the land at night, these old gods would only let those devote to the gods could settle the lands. one of these gods was that of the plane, a bison that would shake the prairie throughout the night leaving nothing but how the lands were before. until the vikigr become devote or do something about the bison they can't inhabit the lands. Although there was plenty of coast the planes had an apele of much more fertile lands and a lot more land the vikigr couldn't do anything about it unless the were to stop the bison, so in a effort to repel the beast the vikigr gathered their armies and requested the help of the other colonial powers that were yet to come to the lands in exchange for peace and garneted land. the were able to amass an army of close to 1000 troops to take down the bison. as the armies marched into the planes and night fell, tremors could be felt under the foot of each man, a low rumble getting louder and louder, until the horizon was filled nothing but the bison the size of a mountain. men readied there weapons not knowing if they could win, the men of the other colonial powers had not heard the size and scale of the gods, but they did know it was to late to run, as it was many, many times faster than any man nor horse, so those who didn't try to hide held there ground. voile upon voile of arrows were launched at the bison as it ripped through those in its path, those who were trampled were not just dead they had just disappeared, they were just gone. after almost the rest of the night of constant fighting man proved over god, the bison died a death of a thousand cuts just as the sun raised, only 32 survived the night, as the beast fell over is disintegrated to nothing but bone

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