Material Characteristics
A purplish-grey metal that forms in small, smooth chunks about the size of grapes.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Veryllite is exceptionally light for how durable it is. It conducts electricity extremely well and is know to generate static charges when moved rapidly through the air.
Veryllite can be combined with gold to create a compound known as Purple Gold.
Geology & Geography
Veryllite is found near the peaks of mountains, especially in The Demon Spires, and at the border of the Plane of Air and the Plane of Fire. It can form anywhere where there is an ample supply of rock and air.
Origin & Source
Veryllite is harvested from veins of Veryllite ore.
Life & Expiration
Despite being relatively durable, veryllite has been known to fracture after releasing large quantities of electricity at a single time.
History & Usage
Everyday use
The two most common uses for veryllite are in weaponry and by more industrial-minded individuals who use veryllite as a power source. When uses in weaponry, the static electricity generated while attacking usually adds to the damage of the attack.
Cultural Significance and Usage
Veryllite is an important material among Aarakocra and it is often used to symbolize status. Leaders and powerful warriors are typically equipped with veryllite-tipped spears while shamans will be adorned with veryllite jewelry. Veryllite is also used in many Aarakocra rituals, including sky dances, as either a source of power or to create more of a spectacle.
Industrial Use
Veryllite is combined with gold to create Purple Gold, an extremely conductive alloy that stores electrical charges well.
Due to its very abnormal formation, veryllite can be used to store electricity immediately after being harvested. For use in weapons, however, it has to be shaped and is usually treated with water-based solutions to improve the lifespan of the weapon.
Manufacturing & Products
Veryllite can be used to create small, portable “batteries” that will store small electrical charges. It is also extremelly common for veryllite to be shaped into arrowheads.
Once it has been exposed to extreme amounts of electricity it can be dangerous to handle a piece of veryllite. The veryllite would be likely to discharge its electricity and, if it is charged enough, could explode into small shards.
Reusability & Recycling
Due to its tendency to break when exposed to too much electricity and its general lack of formation on the material plane, veryllite is not a prominent resource and it is nearly impossible to reuse a piece. A single piece of veryllite, however, can last for many years of regular use if it is used carefully.
Trade & Market
Veryllite is not sold very often, typically being harvested directly by the individual or group intending to use it. When it does make its way to the market, however, it is typically in small quantities and for high prices.
Veryllite is typically stored in rubber pouches or containers that are lined with rubber to prevent them from being exposed to any electricity.
Law & Regulation
Some regions, particularly very industrial regions, prohibit personal use of veryllite because of how dangerous it can be.
35.182574 u
25 gp/lb
Veryllite does not have a strong smell, but it is said that the electricity it stores will give you a tingle if you smell it.
Although consumption of veryllite is not recommended, it has a a sharp, almost spicy flavor. Some dwarves have been known to grind up Veryllite and use it as a seasoning to add some extra kick to their dishes.
Can range from dark grey with a slight violet tint to a deep purple with traces of grey.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
3.1 g/cm3
Common State
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