Sarngava Organization in Jourat | World Anvil
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A Tribal Federation created to resist the original country of Baactri, Sarngava is composed of multiple large nomadic tribes that follow ancestral routes through the desert, jungle, and grasslands of their home.   Each tribe has its own rules for outsiders and trade, and agrees to respect the authority of other tribes over their own ancestral routes. Every 20 years the routes meet at a single large lake, near to the southern tip of the continent, where the heads of the tribes hold a large meeting called the "Ontmogee" (Loosely the "Spirit Land Meeting"). The goal is to renew the interconnection and peace of the tribes and to recommit themselves to their confederacy. Warriors are often selected at this time to guard the strongest tribe and the capital of the country.   The capital of Sarngava is known as Kamongalnaratu-muhan-jikaramku, or the "Nomadic city of Marching Ivory". It is controlled by the tribe that had shown the most success, as defined by the meeting's council, and who presents the best hunters and warriors. The city itself is really more of a moving magically enforced fortification pulled by elephants. The Nomadic City then follows the ancestral route of the controlling tribe until the next meeting.   There isn't a true "commoner" in Sarngava, as even the tribal leaders are expected to contribute something. Hunting, tanning, healing, child rearing, the details matters little, so long as they contribute and their people agree they should maintain their control. Only in cases of a particularly poor leader, or a particularly old one that refuses to step down, are challenges of power common (allowing for tribal variance). Challenges during Ontmogee are fights to first blood and any tribe member may present a challenge against another if they have some evidence of sloth or wrongdoing during the council. Away from Ontmogee individual tribal laws dictate much of these circumstances. Banishment from a tribe is as good as death to many, and so Sarngavans are stringent in their tasks and, usually, loyal to their tribes.


The overall structure of the Tribal organization is fairly loose. The last elected caretaker of the Nomadic City sits at the head of the Ontmogee and organizes each tribes' address of status and issues over the past two decades. If any tribe present can aid another the elected caretaker tribe may order the provision of aid, and are historically obligated to offer aid from their own tribe. The amount of aid is usually unspecified and tribal prejudices slip in where they can there. This exchange of information also details the health of Sarngava's environments and alerts all the tribes to foreign influencers attempting to turn the tribes against eachother or scout for invasion.


Sarngavan culture is widely varied by tribe, and while the number of tribes rarely diminish, tribes splitting due to overpopulation or disagreement is not unheard of. This event is handled at the Ontmogee. The greatest shared culture is one of mutual aid. While tribal histories of conflict are banned under the current system, much of the bad blood remains and conflicts can erupt. Even in moments of high urgency and when faced with a threat, almost all the tribes will set aside their conflicts to maintain eachother. The ever existent threat of northern Baactri-Tochar and the constant disputes of territory along their borders are enough motivation for comradery, if never friendship.


Sarngava's primary exports are animal hides and bone, captured exotic animal or plants, gems, and rare sands or clays. They prefer to trade in supply, but also utilize their ivory coins for such trade, each marked with detailed information and recorded for assertation of authenticity. Militarily their greatest asset has been the mutual alliance of their tribes, knowledge of their terrain, and familiarity with the local flora and fauna. With frequent pressure from Baactri, Tochar, and their gestalt it has only been through unification and guerilla warfare that they've help their borders.

Community & Saftey

Founding Date
Year 273 of the Green Rains, 473 ES, 17th of Ilsensine
Alternative Names
The Rainbow continent, The Last Territory
Sarngava prefer trade goods but recently the council declared their standard of currency would be Ivory coins recovered from the tusks of Elephants that died from age, illness, or wounds. Only Elephants from the Nomadic City were to be used and each contains the name of the elephant it came from. They are used for large trades, primarily, and are equivalent to Platinum.

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