Ouaism Organization in Jotil | World Anvil
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Ouaism is the main (and technically only) religion in Jotil, but it is never really referred to by name.   Since it is understood by most that all the gods are some how related, Ouaism serves as an umbrella in which they all reside.   Of course, different individuals worship entirely different gods, and as such, there are multiple churches and religious organisations within Jotil that focus on entirely different aspects of life.

Mythology & Lore

It is said that the Ancient Arnak used the Eiulum gate to bring forth extra planar beings. It is said Kakoht, the first god, came forth and taught the Arnak magic. He also brought forth red dragons, and in combining their blood with that of humans; created the dragonborn. Kakoht fathered a child, Charia, to whom he promised Besol. He also created a being capable of bringing life to the barren land of Jaerun; Esriel. Esriel populated Jaerun with new gods, beings, animals and beasts.   Before long, a pantheon of gods were influencing the land how they saw fit.

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