Katler Vos Character in Jaxxian Galaxy | World Anvil
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Katler Vos (Cat-ler voss)

You are alone now, you rose your forces and showcased your strength. In the end it was not enough to stop me, it was never going to be enough. You fought for life which was your mistake. You fought for something defined by temporality and frailty. You waged war with the inevitable. I am death, the end of it all. The final chapter, the final page in your story.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Katler Vos was known to have made 5 artifacts of incredible power. The first 4 being his phylacteries which remain hidden to this day. The Heart of Plague, The Heart of Rifts, The Heart of Corruption, and The Heart of Magic.    He also created the Antithesis Flame. A flame in direct opposition to the Gilded Flame as it is the embodiment of death and destruction. This flame was separated into 3 pieces and hidden throughout the known galaxy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katler Vos was once the magical advisor to King Arion of the Pithok Ascendency, a galactic empire that ruled over the Benlano Galaxy. The Jaxxian Galaxy's northern neighbor. Katler, born blind, had the capacity to see differently than anyone else. He could see the magical energy that flowed through the planet and all the things it touched. He could see and mold the magic in arcane artifacts and he could see other spell casters as they collected arcane energy in preparation for a spell. But most importantly he could see the ley line that connected all the planets across the galaxy. Using this he was able to create openings across this line that allowed for transportation between cities and planets. Allowing King Arion to spread his empire to encompass all of Benlano.    On one of Katlers routine transports across the ley line something went wrong. He never appeared on the other side and had disappeared entirely. It was like he was pulled off the line and into some unknowable void. 2 years later reports across the empire came through that their people were being corrupted. That some disease was turning them into mindless beasts and were destroying everything. A group of adventurers known as The Four Winds took it upon themselves to investigate and stop this threat. When they arrived and fought through armies of corrupted beasts and delved into the dark dungeons where foul magic emanated they discovered Katler. Twisted by a dark power, turned into a beast of undeath, a lich.    The group fought numerous times but Katlers power was beyond reproach. Even after they discovered the weakness of his phylacteries, which he called hearts, they were no match for his dark power. In their final stand the planet of Xorox died and the party fell.    In 71 GA Katler Vos traveled to the Jaxxian Galaxy where he was eventually trapped by Waltor Windbeak.

Personality Characteristics


Katler Vos during his disappearance had apparently made contact with a primeval cosmic entity that imbued him with power and the "understanding" that sentient life and life as a whole is a tragic misstep in evolution. That the only way the universe will be at peace is if nothing existed at all.
Current Status
Trapped in a pocket dimension.
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Imprisoned by Waltor Windbeak
Benlano Galaxy
Place of Death
Glowing Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crinkled white paper falling off the bone.
90 lbs
The Void

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