Crystolkinesis Condition in Jaxxian Galaxy | World Anvil
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A most vile and unimaginable disease.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmitted only through physical contact with Crystolkin.


This virus is innate within the Crystolkin race and is non-harmful to them. It lies within the epidermal layers of crystolkin skin as such can only be transmitted through physical contact with Crystolkin. It is possible to contract the virus from crystal shards that may fall off their bodies but this is much less likely.


The disease starts with physical fatigue and stomach pains as your insides begin to crystalize. Next your skin will begin to harden and crystals will protrude from your skin. Finally your body will become fully crystalized and you die. It is theorized some victims become Crystolkin and that is how the race came about. Though evidence for this theory has yet to be discovered.


There is no cure for said disease. The only options available to one diagnosed with Crystolkinesis is cryogenic hibernation or death. Doctors have theorized that intense vibrational fields could break the crystals growing inside you or infection with another physically altering disease such as lycanthropy could cure a person. These have been unsuccessful thus far.


Similar to what is detail in the symptoms section though the disease isnt usually diagnosed until the crystals start growing through the skin. However, it should be noted that those near the end of the disease's cycle tend to experience paranoia, insanity, paralysis, loss of memory, and heightened aggression.


This is usually prevented by limiting contact with Crystolkin beings. If such contact is required it is done through hazmat suits.


The only mass outbreak of the Disease occurred during the Vernos Incident. Due to its limited transmission vectors and the awareness and care of Crystolkin, outbreaks are very uncommon and would only occur in instances of invasion.


Refer to articles: The Vernos Incident, and Crystolkin

Cultural Reception

Carriers of this disease are mourned as their death will be imminent. The Crystolkin however are widely feared throughout the galaxy due to their contagious nature.
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

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