Valethanna Althaliel Umett Character in Iyith | World Anvil
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Valethanna Althaliel Umett

Val Umett appears to be completely unremarkable at first glance. A dun-coloured young woman in priestess garb, she lets her shoulder-length, mousy hair obscure her slightly-pointed ears. Tall as her mother but more rounded, she could easily be accepted as human were it not for her eyes: large, bright, and crystal green. One look and there is no doubt as to her parentage. While her order discourages adornment beyond a holy symbol, Val is never seen without a silvered sickle tied around her waist.   Deep within those startling green eyes sparkles a fierce intelligence. Born into the moderate wealth of the Umett name and doted upon by her mother, Val was given the best education possible. The best local education, that is. Tutors were brought in from as far as Orham, but Val herself never left the borders of Riverbend. Even so, by adulthood, she was well-versed in history, religion, and literature, speaking and reading 5 languages. Her mother furthered her study of druidcraft and healing, areas in which Val naturally excelled.   Although the town at large assumed she would continue on at her mother’s side, she was abruptly sent to Calett shortly after her 16th birthday. Val’s love of knowledge and skill with priestly magic made her a welcome acolyte in the halls of Daralei, where she continued to expand her scholastic achievements. She occasionally returns home with her father’s caravans, only to depart again after a few days.

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