Steingrimur Character in Iyith | World Anvil
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Gentle wildsman outside of Riverbend

Slow of speech and movement, Steingrimur is a gentle giant of a man, body carved by his work and tanned nearly clay colour by the summer sun. With his size and dark complexion, he looks as if he is truly half of the earth. He prefers simple, open laced clothing, although everything he owns seems to be in need of some mending.   Steingrimur is a creature of the Krahr Wilds in the truest sense. Born and raised in the old growth forests, he has little knowledge of the world of men outside of a few opportunities to trade. He lost both parents to Hunters who mistook them for mages, or that is the tale he was told by the Circle that took in the young lycan. With no aptitude for druidcraft, he vowed to protect his adopted family and their home in the only way he could: brute strength as needed. Preferring to avoid violence lest he spread his curse further, Steingrimur keeps to himself during full moons and fights with his trusty axe rather than hand-to-hand.

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