Sarett Umett Character in Iyith | World Anvil
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Sarett Umett

Captain of the edgelord brigade

A towering young man at 6’2", Sarett is the only son of Tel Umett and Tel’s first wife, Anna. He inherited his father’s dark hair and eyes, but not his interest in business. Sarett keeps his chain shirt and longsword on at all times, as if assuming a fight is always around the corner. He wears the crimson cape of a Pyre knight; the last panel replaced by a section of an Abrus banner. He displays no other indication of rank. A braided leather choker stamped with ivy is the only jewelry he chooses to wear.   Sarett showed greater skill with a sword than with a quill, leading him to join the Pyre Knights in service of Lord-Regent Kollyn Dagarr. He rose quickly through the ranks, reaching Captain in his early 20’s. Shortly after his promotion, talk began of his inevitable induction into the Custodians of Guidance. Unfortunately, he abruptly left his service post in Orham, returning home and serving as security for the Sack and Sorrel, often drinking far more than securing. Laird Granger allowed him to keep his rank as a personal favour to Tel Umett. The soldiers stationed in and around Riverbend acknowledge Sarett as superior officer in good standing of the Knights, and often be found drinking and playing cards with him off duty.   Sarett takes a dim view of his father in general, but more specifically, he has never approved of his step-mother, Alwena Umett. He has a completely different view of his step-sister Valethanna Althaliel Umett, however. They’ve shared a bond since childhood. It was rumoured that her departure for Calett triggered his break from duty and return home.   When not occupying his usual table at the pub, he can often be found in the back garden of his home, a home he never manages to sleep in.

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