Lana Character in Iyith | World Anvil
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Lanathea Lanfryd (a.k.a. Lana)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic, but not muscular

Body Features

Horns, tail, etc

Apparel & Accessories

Aside from her sword, supplies, and instruments, Lana carries a lot of things that she's not particularly sure why she does. As of late this has included grease, a flamethrower, a world shattering orb, skin...

Specialized Equipment

A kickass Doss Lute

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Bardic College

Accomplishments & Achievements

Trounced Xylund in dragonchess, survived Cathol Ross molenapping, has a sanity score >10 despite prolonged exposure to the party

Failures & Embarrassments

Puts her foot in mouth pretty often for someone with an allegedly maxed cha stat.

Intellectual Characteristics

Able to think clearly under pressure, however, her mental flowcharts have an unnerving tendency to end at dinosaurs and dragons, and turning her friends into dinosaurs and dragons.

Morality & Philosophy

Generally speaking, usually, in the right circumstances, it's better not to hurt too many folks, some exceptions.

Personality Characteristics


The gods couldn't even know where we're going, so might as well enjoy the ride.
Has a growing interest in saving the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Practiced at instruments, chess, using strange magical artifacts she can get her hands on. Poor at dragon-based threat analysis.


Family Ties

Her sister.

Religious Views

Has been known to invoke Nenemeth.
Current Residence
Wandering around Vokari
Distinctly Tiefling

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Library Scriblings

Dear Lili,   I’m going to go wander alone for a little awhile. Of course I love you, and our friends, but I think after all of this anyone would want a moment with their thoughts. I’ll be back soon enough, and I’ll stay safe. Stop being a coward Lana. The paragraph is scratched out. I’m going to the blood well. Mysterious portrait man gave me some things to hand off to Xylund. It’ll be fastest for me to go alone- hop on the horse and I’ll be there in a few hours. Also be nice to Davynn, I don’t know what you two are doing out there but I hear magic and screaming. That doesn’t sound like target practi- She scratches it out again. I love you, sis. Please understand that I do, and that I would never want to hurt you. All of this group’s antics, deadly and otherwise, have made it blindingly clear that you would move mountains for me- and Caeracht showed me I can’t live with that. Damned if I don’t know that telling you to simply stop studying magic for my safe if you have no other reason to won’t do a thing. I won’t even try to ask. I will be forever grateful to you. But, I need to be independent now. I can’t let you keep putting life on the line for me- and I want to be free to do what I need. Regardless of perceived risk. Regardless of your approval. I’m taking the portrait and leaving the amulet with Kern. I’m going to the blood well. I’ll see you in a few days. Lana is ripping up the paper when Hildreth walks in. Something about a ghost?

Thoughts From a Flying Horse Speedrunning Towards a Big Scary Monster

I could turn him into a fly? Until he died? I have a jar. Oh, how he'd deserve it.   Once there was an old ugly elf. Destroying his family to benefit himself Rather than reduce him to pieces For killing his nieces I let him rot on my shelf   Journal, we left him behind with Xylund. I kind of hope, look, I never, ever, ever enjoy death, but that kind of person could do a lot of harm, and we ran three mages through his home. He says nobody would listen, but if they do, I've seen what happens, and he rEALLY DESERVES TO GET- No, no. Davynn let him live, and its his to his decide. So even though I want to turn him into a turtle and drop him from the SKY we're going to let him live out his miserable days as the decrepit piece of gutter slime that he is.   I couldn't kill someone in cold blood anyway. Lili could. We could sic her on him, oh man, and there'd be nothing left but a scorch mark.   Augh. He's not even the greatest of our problems by far.   Attention Future Lana: this is a reminder to get some of Kern's diamonds. Sincerely, past Lana.   I really thought we'd finished up with this. Sealing the orb away in the bloodwell, delivering justice to his family, it was a good epilogue in the words. Now I have to rework the song to account for another act, if we survive whatever fresh hell is waiting in Featherstone. Can you imagine if we died now? At least the orb is safe, but that would be anticlimactic. Traumatic, briefly. Painful, probably.   Davynn deserves to be done with this for good, don't you think? I'm willing to play hero again for that.   I've got your back, friend. Let's clear this shitty board your family left for you and stomp on the pieces.


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