Kern Character in Iyith | World Anvil
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Wandering buffoon of Inelene Kern "Hot damn" Flannagan

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Fuck if he knows what those say

Divine Symbols & Sigils

See Inelene's page

Tenets of Faith



Wait we have holidays?!?

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Wouldn't he like to know.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and hearty. Hands worn rough from a lifetime of hard labor. Smells faintly of ozone.

Body Features

The hair, oh gods the hair

Facial Features

Hard and defined

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of Inelene on his right forearm

Physical quirks

Paces alot when nervous, it's a small miracle that his hair is in as good as shape as it is considering how often he feels like tearing it out.

Special abilities

The ability to have his hair flowing in the most sexy direction constantly.   Also he has no idea how he does magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears plate, but lounges about in loose fitting clothes, partial to reds and yellows.

Specialized Equipment

Was able to learn how to use most weapon during his travels at sea to prevent being captured by pirates, he favors a hammer though.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in a small farming town to very large family, Kern made his way to the coast to sail the high seas of Iyith. The experience taught him the value of keeping a wary eye out for trouble and the value of keeping information close to the chest which reinforced his already innate paranoia.   Like many things in his life, his career as a sailor ended poorly and abruptly when an incident including pirates and a heavy storm wrecked his ship. He should have died, but Inelene decided that she had better uses for him. What those uses are, Kern is still not sure to this day. He woke up on a beach with nothing but a tattoo on his arm and a cryptic vision. He then made his way to Greyloch and ended up meeting more or less the current party.   Kern has a tendency to let his paranoia get the better of him and to over react in situations. Despite this, he does do his best to care for and protect the rest of the party even if he sometimes he feels like they're all just a bunch of cats running in different directions.

Gender Identity



Straight in spite of the fan fiction


Primary education through the church of Eston, learned everything else by helping raise his siblings and his travels at sea.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Totally convinced a crime lord that they were pirates, got Katt not to completely hate the party, successfully left 2 doorstep presents, avenged his fallen friends

Failures & Embarrassments

Still regrets not being able to tell something was wrong earlier the day Annie and Corrin were killed by Green eyes.

Mental Trauma

Fears stuff from his past getting dredged up.

Intellectual Characteristics

Not the smartest person, but he can read people. Also has the uncanny ability to feel physical pain when secrets are exposed.

Morality & Philosophy

Sometimes you gotta deal with your shit, other times you just leave it on somebody else's door way.   There is a time and a place to talk about everything. In some cases it's never and nowhere.


Doesn't really like the clergy very much.   Has a bit of a grudge against undead.

Personality Characteristics


Feels like he is meant for something, but doesn't know what. Also wants to get aways from his past as much as possible.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely perceptive to the enviornment, just can't always connectthe dots on what that necessarily means.   Also a surprisingly good damcer.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes his party memebers and stress free nights sitting around a camp fire watching everyone have a good time.   Dislikes feeling trapped and giving away information freely.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes makes obscure references to stuff that don't exist in Iyith.


That hair takes a lot of work to make it look that giod.


Religious Views

Doesn't like churchs but some how got roped in by Inelene

Wealth & Financial state

Basically just has what he carries
Divine Classification
Shanghaid Cleric
Year of Birth
Sky blue
Long, lucious, of red velvet
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Gods dammit_____"   "Everything is Fucking wonderful"   "Shhhhhh"
Known Languages
Common and Celestial

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