Vox Alard Dane Character in Ix | World Anvil
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Vox Alard Dane

The Most Powerful Sage Known In The Northern Reach

Port Sundvor is city known for trade. Merchant guilds for just about every commodity, fill the city's walls. Every known race has some form of representation. At the center of what could be a chaotic and corrupt system sits the half-elf scholar Vox Alard Dane. A sage of great reputation he has the unparalleled ability to translate any language into any other no matter how rare or obscure. Though impressive this ability is, it is his skill as a a mediator that most admire. Translating words is one thing, but to be able to make two opposing parties find common ground to both's satisfaction can appear down right miraculous. With all guilds able to settle disputes through such a powerful neutral party there is a surprising lack of unrest for a city as large as Port Sundvor.   Vox is the title he has adopted, the voice of Port Sundvor. Though his home is in the Lords Quarter of the city, those who have visited him have reported spaces beyond the door that far exceed the houses possible physical boundaries. His position affords him little time for casual association, when not working to keep the guilds in order he spends his time locked away in his home. He is never seen otherwise.   Little is known about Vox Dane. Some scholars claim he has lived for over a thousand years, others say his age is immeasurable. He wields powers that defy known magicks seemingly making the impossible possible, and with little to no effort. Things just seem to fall into place in his presence. Were it not for the constant presence of his familiar, a tiny dragonelle named Casmer, the fact he is obviously a mage of some form might escape all but the most scrutinous arcanist.   The only person Vox Dane answers to is Duke Bertio, the rightful lord of the lands that the port inhabits. The title of Vox makes him irreplaceable, a priceless member of the largest trade city in the world. Duke Bertio knows he can only ask so much of the Vox, and who truly holds the most power in the city.


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