PC: Agnes Dalleren Character in Ix | World Anvil
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PC: Agnes Dalleren

Agnes Dalleren was always a petty thief. Since the age of twelve, while working in various taverns, inns, and brothels, she’d swipe a tip here and there, get someone drunk enough to lift their coin purse, or take a couple bottles from behind the bar to enjoy later. And over the years she learned, when suspicions started to arise, that it was time to travel to distant places where no one knew her name and the coins flowed like water in a creek.   It was in one of these useful inns, a seedy joint called the Silver Stallion, where she met a mysterious fortune teller by the name of Everly [whatever Raquel’s character’s last name is]. Everly was a beautiful figure, dark and alluring, with an accent slow and heavy like rolling fog. Agnes had never heard nor seen anyone as captivating as Everly. She knew she had to find out more about her. And so, she had a new target.   Over the months, Agnes and Everly struck up a friendship while working the tables at the Silver Stallion. But Agnes never did steal Everly’s Tarot cards or the savagely sharp pins she wore in her hair. Instead, the friendship that began as one of convenience became one of true kinship. Yet, even as their bond grew stronger, the townspeople began to mistrust Everly. They didn’t approve of the silks and velvets she wore, the graceful way she carried herself. They didn’t trust the strange accent that painted her words. They began to think her a witch and blamed her for failed marriages, sick livestock, missing keys, and lost purses. Agnes, then, knew it was time to leave that town, for they were attracting too much unwanted attention--Agnes, through her thievery, and Everly, simply for being. Together, in the dead of night, the two left the Silver Stallion and that tiny farming town and headed toward the next mark, a farming village called Maydell.   Agnes soon found work as a bar wench there and, just as quickly, began profiting off drunk, unaware patrons. On one particularly boisterous night, she spotted a man several hours into his cups. She knew she could easily take more than a few meager silver from him without his ever knowing. As she plopped his eighth stein before him, her hand glided over to the coin purse dangling from his belt. He slurred his thanks while her finger quickly slipped through the tassel on top of his purse and loosened it. The tiny bag was heavy in her hand--   --and he instantly had hold of her wrist. In a low voice, without a hint of drunkenness, he said, “You’re good, woman, but you’re not that good.” He pulled her close, whispered in her ear a place and a time, and he told her to meet him there.   Shaken, Agnes returned to the bar with only his words playing through her mind. She wondered about his motives. What was she to find if she met him at that place? Did he mean her harm? Why didn’t he expose her as the thief she was?   But her insatiable need for adventure drove her to meet the man despite the risks, and in so doing, she joined the Maydell Rogue’s guild. She has since been honing her skills as a cutpurse, even learning the Goblin tongue so as to fence stolen goods that cannot be sold elsewhere. And now, she finds herself on her first job for the guild in order to prove her worth.

Agnes is currently playing in the Shades of Gray campaign.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Red, curly

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