Tarnished Reputation Report in Ivaenlis of the Broken Triad | World Anvil
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Tarnished Reputation

General Summary

After an eventful - and tiresome - day of travel, the group rests in The Crusty Beard, within the borders of Kor Doguhm. During the middle of the night, each of our protagonists - and Hallie - is woken by a loud knocking sound. On the other side of each of their doors, six dwarven guards demand that they see the guard captain, Hulrak.   While being escorted, Corvino shares with the group the dream he was experiencing before being interrupted: he describes the chained Tesla and lightning striking one of the chains that held both her - and him - in place.   Our protagonists are eventually taken to the The Iron Price, where a small crowd has gathered. The captain of the guard, Hulrak, accuses the group of murdering Brumadin, claiming eye witnesses confirm they were the last people to leave the establishment prior to the homicide - including Fionna and Amelia . Suspicious of the allegations, Kushala demands to see the body of the shopkeeper, while the remaining members show interest in seeing the weapon of the crime: a dagger. Hulrak eventually agrees to lead the group to the interior of the shop, where Kushala's knowledge of medicine proves valuable: there's not nearly enough blood in the crime scene for a murder perpetrated with a dagger. Pressing further, the party asks for the current time and a resigned Hulrak sends Lyssele to complete the task.   Upon returning, Lyssele walks in on a heated argument between Hulrak and the group, which she promptly interrupts, begging Hulrak to stop the accusations, as they know full well who the real culprit is. The pair of guards believes the culprit to be Thalnar: a thug, but also the only person to trade Orichalcum with the neighboring villages. The group finds out Her Ladyship would be pleased if Thalnar were to disappear: at the very least, the charges against the party would be dropped and they could perhaps find the whereabouts of Brumadin.   After finding out the location of the bandit's lair and the number of men following Thalnar, the group returns to The Crusty Beard, where they enjoy a good night's sleep before leaving Hallie with Lyssele and heading towards Thalnar's hideout.   The group fought their way through Thalnar's henchman, and eventually confronted the dwarf on the second story of the villain's hideout. Corvino slayed the dwarf, but met his tragic end at the hands of three crossbow bolts loosened by the remnants of Thalnar's gang. After finding out Brumadin was being held in the mines, Fionna slaughtered the surviving dwarves. The group investigated the house, then returned to Corvino's motionless body, eventually carrying it to the surface, via an hidden tunnel located in the building's basement. The group opted to leave their companion's body there, so they could bury it at a later date, figuring the people of Kor Doguhm wouldn't allow their friend to be buried in their Mausoleum.   A batch of iron tools made to look like Orichalcum was found, some rooms were vandalized and some weapons were scavenged. Our heroes now head towards Lyssele, to keep tabs on Hallie's well being and to inform their unlikely ally of the events that transpired.
A Story in a Land of Magic
Fionna Shadowfang
Corvino de Rocca
Kushala Sspagittári
Amelia Ravenclaw
Report Date
17 Jan 2019
Primary Location

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