Bralmura Character in Ivaenlis of the Broken Triad | World Anvil
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Guardian Bralmura

The leader of the Heiress Shields and aide for Heiress Lyesri.

Physical Description

Facial Features

She has a round face with small, pale lips and serene eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

An old scar descends from her lips to her chin.

Specialized Equipment

She wears an elaborate silver plate-mail, decorated with a golden trim, as well as the golden cape of the Shields. In battle, she uses a morning star whose head is shaped like a blazing sun, and her shield holds the crest of her organization.


Religious Views

Bralmura is a firm devout of Cyvian.

Social Aptitude

A firm enforcer of etiquette, respect and rules.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
799 af 47 Years old
Current Residence
Bralmura currently resides in the Spire.
Blonde, Curly, Caught Behind
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Oily
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You will speak when you are asked, Feldspark."   "Confident enough to stain the Clan Mound with dwarven blood? To use Gwinnia to manipulate the Heiress?"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish

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