Fethil Geographic Location in Itorah | World Anvil
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Fethil, also sometimes known by the nickname "Wet Land", is one of Itorah's five major continents. The smallest of the five, it houses an unstable and fickle climate, which leans heavily towards, well, being wet. From the northern taiga, pockmarked by countless lakes left by glaciers, to the central swamps and flooded forests, and the rain-marked mountains in the south, no part of Fethil goes without water. Not for long, at least.


Fethil is heavily wooded, with taiga and boreal forests in the north, temperate broadleaf forests through most of its center, and alpine forests growing over its southern mountain range. Much of its surface is taken up by water, or heavily influenced by its presence, with countless bogs and lakes in the taiga, and plentiful freshwater swamps elsewhere.

Ecosystem Cycles

Fethil counts four seasons, with distinct summers and winter, though both seasons are rather wet. Each season counts three months and thus spans roughly the same time as the rest. Summer is the season which sees the longest days, counting June, July, and August. It is followed by autumn, which takes up September, October, and November. The darkest season is winter, with December, January, and February. The final season is spring, in March, April, and May.

Localized Phenomena

Fethil's southern edge, decorated almost entirely in tall mountains, suffers from quite the number of natural disasters. Created by two meeting plates, the Fethilian plate and more southern Jaclax plate, the pushing and dragging of the plates has quite an impact on the area. Aside from the frequent earthquakes created by the grinding plates, the mountain range also houses countless volcanoes, which often erupt.


Fethil, as a whole, has a temperate climate, falling entirely under than definition in the Köppen climate system. The majority of Fethil falls under the oceanic (Cfb) climate, meaning it experiences no dry season and warm, but not hot, summers. Across all of Fethil, temperatures run as high as 22ºC, and as low as 0ºC. Traveling further south bumps this as high as 35ºC max, but it virtually never freezes in Fethil.
Alternative Name(s)
Wet Land
Location under


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