Shen Character in It’s A Place | World Anvil
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Shen ('ʃɛn)

*REDACTED* (a.k.a. Shen)


    Shen - Status : A main character     Shen is one of the only non-human Soldiers. They're the combined soul of a fox spirit and a human, giving them all the abilities of a fox spirit with all the fragility and weakness that comes with being human. Shen is the oldest and most mature Soldier, and also the most mentally stable. Though this doesn't say much. Because of their past and their self assigned role as the guardian to the rest of the Soldiers, a parental role of sorts, they have made themselves a sort of therapist for the group. The goal protecting them from harm, self-inflicted or otherwise, and fighting to keep them alive and happy. They are also the one of the few group members who have level heads and respect for the law, leading them to make themselves responsible for the actions the other Soldiers create. While this may seem as a hassle, Shen enjoys caring for all of them thoroughly, and much prefers it over the potential chaos that might unfold if they weren't there.  

Personality -

Shen has a severe case of R.B.F (Resting B**** Face), oftentimes leading to the impression that they either hate everyone or that they're incredibly tired. The answer? Usually both. Even when they are enjoying themselves, Shen rarely permits themselves to laugh or even smile --- the only Soldier who has ever seen these momentous events occur is Nyupe, who also is the only other Soldier Shen shows any lenience to. Despite one's initial impression, they  are both incredibly empathetic and sympathetic, often naturally attracting those who need their attention the most. They're most certainly the kind to fiercely defend their friends and they act as a surrogate parent of sorts. Being the oldest Soldier (mentally at least), they need no urging to immediately take the group under their wing. Navigating each of their children through past struggles and trauma, Shen becomes fiercely devoted and protective over their charges --- handing out disciplinary action as they see fit. Rather impressively, they carry these punishments out wordlessly, rarely speaking and allowing their expressions to do the work for them. Whether or not the average parent would allow Shen around their children is fully unknown, however. After all, whenever they do open their mouth to speak, the vast majority of their vocabulary is usually taken up by obscenities. They are also significantly more likely to point out the flaws in one of their charges, rather than any positive traits --- a feature the rest of the Soldiers tend to find rather annoying.    Though they rarely speak of it, the constant parenting role they fill takes a serious toll on their mental health. Having come from an abusive family themselves, Shen's fear that they will become just like their parents takes over, and in response they attempt to act the exact opposite. This, however, often leads to Shen bottling up their own emotions in an attempt to not let them spill out and hurt the rest of the Soldiers. They know what they're doing is wrong, yet in an attempt to look after and care for their charges, they neglect their own health --- twice leading to an intervention from the rest of the Soldiers. They could certainly be considered hypocritical in this sense. Thought their job often creates a miniature hells scape for them, they hardly care. Despite their sometimes harsh words, the rest of the soldiers are fully aware of how much Shen truly cares for them, and that they'll lay down their life to protect their children.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shen, in their human form, gives the appearance of a very lean and fit person. The only abnormalities are their eyes, which are bright yellow. These were originally the fox spirits eyes, and Shen adored them so much they transformed their own eyes to look the same.

Facial Features

Shen tends to have softer, gentle features. They have soft, monolid shaped eyes and eyebrows as well as soft cheekbones. They do however still have a rather strong v-shaped jawline, yet it still ends in a rather soft point. While they sometimes change their facial features, these are the attributes they normally prefer.

Identifying Characteristics

Shen contains incredibly bright, yellow eyes. On first glance, the illusions they put up make the eyes appear to be a light brown in color. When one focusses however, it becomes apparent of the eyes' true color. Shen also has incredibly sharp canines. Due to the inconvenience of switching between human and fox form to eat faster, they decided to alter their teeth to become sharp enough that eating tough meats would no longer require them to switch forms. Finally, they bleach the front of their hair. Their bangs and several pieces of hair that hang down the side of their face are bleached, giving them dual-coloured hair.

Special abilities

Shen's abilities include shape-shifting, foxfire, and illusions. They are able to shift themselves into any form, however the prefer to stay either as a human or a fox, rarely changing into other animals unless it is necessary. Such as being trapped underwater, or needing to fly away to escape. Secondly, they have foxfire. Though the name is misleading, foxfire is not actual fire. It is merely magic that acts the way fire does. It radiates warmth, shines red like fire, and can burn flammable substances. Because of this, the method for putting out the foxfire is much different to normal fire, but it can't do as much damage as normal fire. It cannot spread or cause explosions. Finally, Shen has the ability to create illusions. These illusions become incredibly detailed and lifelike as the series progresses. They become able to trap people and deities in their own personal hellhole, and convince them it's real. These illusions are so lifelike in fact, Shen sometimes questions if they are in an illusion of their own making. If they got trapped in one once and never escaped.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shen was born as an only child to two parents on a rice farm. They were raised on this farm, and developed an incredibly strong kin-ship with the friends and family that worked there as well. In their early years, when they were too young to work, Shen was taught basic reading and writing skills, as well as advanced sign language for communication with their deaf relatives. They were put to work at an early age, and spent countless hours in the rice fields with the children and adults from their village. Eventually, Shen started a relationship with a boy from the village, and told their parents about it. Their parents were surprisingly alright with this development, although, unknown to Shen, their parents merely assumed that it was a phase that Shen would grow out of.    Several years later, Shen, spurred on by the fact that their parents had accepted their relationship with a boy, told their parents about how they felt. That they didn't feel like a boy or a girl and desired to be referred to as something else. While originally Shen's parents played dumb, 'forgetting' what Shen had told them, when it became clear that Shen was certain about their identity, their parents began to abuse them. First mental abuse, and then it became physical. Their parents then took it a step further, alienating Shen from the village and the friends they'd known since birth, in an attempt to keep Shen from 'embarrassing' them. After two years of this abuse, Shen planned their first escape. Running away at the dead of night, they followed a river for miles, and several days, to reach the nearby town. Due to the rather small distance between the rice farm and the town, Shen's escapade was quickly notarised to the authorities of the town. As Shen was their parents only child, their parents were eager to have them return home. Cornered by police men on a bridge, Shen then jumped off, taking their own life. Being dead did not last long, however. As their body became possessed by a wandering fox-spirit, Shen was brought back to life. Eventually, Shen was discovered by the police and returned back to the rice farms with their family.    The abuse worsened. With the spirit trapped inside Shen experiencing the same pain Shen did, it decided to help Shen on their escapes. First, the sprint helped Shen transform their body to feel more comfortable in it. And later on, the two planned an escape. The next two escapes were a bust, Shen being caught each time. However, on the fourth escape, they succeeded. Shen's cousin and closest friend, upon realising Shen had not been in the fields for quite some time and not getting an answer as to why from Shen's parents, snuck away from his job to find them. When learning of what had happened with Shen, the cousin decided to help Shen escape, and recruited the efforts of Shen's old boyfriend as well. Six months later, Shen escaped on horse-back, with one final goodbye to their cousin and partner. More than two weeks of travelling later, only alive by the help of the spirit possessing them, the two arrived at one of the major cities surrounding the rice farms.   One's long hair is incredibly important in Shen's culture. It was seen as a gift of ones parents and to cut it was a horrible crime and punishment. It was seen as a mark of shame to cut one's hair. Something that would only happen to traitors of war or those who had participated in horrible crimes. However, it didn't stop them. Even though Shen was technically free, they felt bound to their parents by the hair on their head. They cut it. Finally, convinced of their freedom, they set to work trying to find a job. They were turned down at every offer. All due to their hair. It made sense however. If short hair was a sign of someone truly despicable, who would hire such a person? After taking shelter under the roof of a bakery for almost a month, they were approached by a barber. He promised them food and shelter if they worker for him. Apparently, hair wasn't as much of a deal here as it was in Shen's birth village. The reason they had been denied was due to their mangled appearance and smell. Shen excelled at their new career, eventually attracting the attention of a woman who worked nearby with a similar profession. The two began a relationship and Shen moved to work with her, occasionally returning to the old barber shop as a thanks to the man that saved them.   Later on they would become a Soldier, and would repay the debt that the man gave them by attempting to help Nyupe, a girl denied of any luck and given very little love.

Gender Identity

Shen identifies as non-binary. However, they have no such label for this, and instead see themselves as '... neither a man or a woman. I'm still something, I still feel like I have a gender (...) just not either of those.' Instead of presenting themselves as more traditionally masculine or feminine however, they decide to make the clothing they wear so strange to others that no one could possibly assume anything. Moreover, they enjoy changing their physical body to mess with others as well. Usually they reside in a completely gender-neutral body, yet occasionally they will change their form to confuse others that they don't like when around them.


Shen's sexuality is unknown. While in the past they dated a boy, they don't seem to have much of a preference for gender. Outside this one romantic relationship however, and another with a woman several years later, they have all together stopped pursuing any sort of relationship. While this is due to a lack of time, or maybe their lack of interest in a romantic partner, Shen does not know themselves. They prefer to refer to themselves as someone who could date anyone, but is rather unsure if they want to. That is where they leave it.


Shen has had very little education throughout their life. Growing up in a poor farming community they were only taught basic reading and writing. Their only significant educational achievement was becoming fluent in the sign language the village used to communicate to their elders. They were able to pass this on to Nyupe years later. When in the Second Sphere, the took the help of Aki to learn how to properly read and write, and became a fast learner.


Shen had multiple jobs throughout their life. When they were young they helped their parents and their village on the rice farm until the age of sixteen. When they escaped their family and travelled away, they became a barber and worked for food and shelter in a barber shop. Eventually they became talented enough at this skill to pursue a more well paying job, and became more of a hairdresser. However, they still would occasionally return to the original barber shop they worked at as a thanks to the man who ran it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Shen's largest accomplishment in life was escaping from their family. Since their family was quite abusive towards them, they desired to escape for many many years. Eventually, after three previous tries, they successfully escaped. Furthermore, they were even able to set up an income working as a barber in the city they escaped to. Being free of their parents, and escaping by themselves was an incredibly large accomplishment in Shen's eyes.

Mental Trauma

Shen grew up in an abusive household. While their early childhood was full of many kind and supportive family members, when they grew up it became quite the opposite. Shen realised they did not identify with either the male or female genders when they were young, as early as five years old. Unable to put this feeling into words however, they kept quiet for many years, until they were thirteen. With the help of their boyfriend at the time, they gathered up the courage to tell their parents who they were. This then resulted in years of both emotional and physical abuse from their parents, as Shen's parents viewed their gender as unnatural and disgraceful. Shen was then restricted from seeing the rest of the village, except on certain occasions, for fear that Shen would disgrace the family and ruin its reputation. Shen decided to escape. Their first attempt failed however, and, when cornered by police, they attempted to take their life by jumping off a bridge. Shen's attempt failed, and was brought back to their family where the abuse would only worsen.

Morality & Philosophy

Shen has very little self preservation for themselves. Due to this, they often go by a philosophy of saving everyone they can. Even if they have never met. Shen does not care whether they live or die for the most part, only staying alive to help those in need. This philosophy, even after their care for their own life is restored, persists throughout Shen's life. This philosophy is only incorrect or void when Shen faces someone who they know is pure evil. On the times when this does happen, Shen will kill without hesitation, as they know that if they don't, innocent lives will be lost.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Shen dislikes very few things. Loud, obnoxious people, sure. Those who pry into others lives, that again. However, their main hatred, are dogs. They have severe cynophobia, even the presence of fur can sometimes scare them. Which isn't ideal, since, ya know, they're a fox spirit.


Social Aptitude

Shen is one of the more socially capable members in the group. They are able to hold conversations, engage in small talk, and be reasonable and mature when talking to people they despise. Though, because of their general silent nature, these conversations rarely happen. And when they do, their expressions can scare those that they communicate with.


Shen tends to be more on the quiet side, not talking unless asked, or unless they have a question they deem incredibly important. When they do speak, however, their voice tends to be incredibly monotone. Similar to ones voice when they have just woken up, save for the gravely-ness of it. Due to the lack of proper grammar they were taught growing up, combined with the formality of the spirits voice and tone, their vocabulary is a mess of poor grammar combined with words many of their group members have never heard of. Aside from this, Shen is also the groups most prolific curser. Despite the dark colours they wear and their general expression of hatred, their language and insults are more than colourful enough to make up for it. They compliment rarely, only doing so when they truly believe the person has done something worth of praise. They insult others even more rarely, however. Despite their initial appearance, Shen has endless patience.
Lawful Good
Start - 18 or ≈ 500 End - 28 or ≈ 550
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Bright yellow
Black, shoulder length, pulled into ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown skin with yellow undertones, dark brown fur
The Ancient Pantheon

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