Lensefer Root Species in Isonia | World Anvil
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Lensefer Root

Lensefer Root is a relatively rare plant that grows near rivers and other bodies of water, it is commonly used in the creation of healing potions and thus it is a prized commodity amongst alchemists, wizards and adventurers alike. In it's natural un-processed form it has mild magical effects and can be ground into a paste and rubbed on most minor wounds relieving some pain but when processed correctly by a skilled alchemist it's potency increases massively and some master alchemists have been known to create healing potions strong enough to revive people from even the most grievous of wounds.

Basic Information


The plant itself is unspectacular and to an untrained eye appears as just another mildly leafy plant next to a river but once dug up reveals it's long thin roots that can glow faintly in the dark. The brighter the glow the more potent the roots healing potential are.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is a common misconception that Lensefer root does not reproduce and that it is a magical manifestation created by the weave copying plant life nearby however the famed botanist and alchemist Gregor Greiro discovered that it actually reproduces by extending out roots beneath the water body itself to find another location, some of these reproductive roots can reach immense lengths but are generally so thin that they are broken when the plant is dug up thus hiding their secret.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once in a satisfactory location a new Lensefer plant sprouts from the tip of the cultivating root which is quickly broken down and is absorbed into the earth around it. The plant can reach maturity within a few weeks and the root tubers can be ready to harvest within a month or so.

Ecology and Habitats

Lensefer grow in almost every climate across the world, they seem to only require fresh water and are resistant to almost all forms of damage that the world might throw at them. Gregor hypothesized that this is due to the plants natural healing abilities.

Biological Cycle

The Lensefer plant is generally unaffected by the passing of seasons surviving even in the coldest winter. It's main evolutionary issue are other creatures eating it's leaves or digging up the roots. It avoids this by having an extremely bitter taste that could even turn a Dwarves stomach, though it in itself is not poisonous.

Additional Information


Despite it's resilience the Lensefer is extremely difficult to domesticate and it is almost impossible to grow in a systematic method though many have tried. Gregor himself is an exception to this but even he had to take extra steps to maintain the plant in the environment he had created for it.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lensefer is an important ingredient in healing potions and potions of resistance, Lensefer tubers fetch a fine price from alchemists, botanists and wizards alike and there are those who dedicate their entire lives to its gathering.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Lensefer plant is found the world over in some of the most bizarre locations and it is a common phrase across multiple cultures that to be like a Lensefer is to feel at home wherever you may go.
Conservation Status
The root is relatively common so is rarely guarded with any great effectiveness however it's natural camouflage makes it difficult to spot to the untrained eye.
Average Height
Though wide the Lensefer often doesn't grow above 30cm
Average Length
The leaves of an average Lensefer plant can grow to almost half a meter in length.

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