Equines Species in Isles of Volatilis (Isles Above) | World Anvil
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The common equines of Volatilis and surrounding lands down on the ground. Though nowadays there's a varieties of mutations thanks to various magic.

Basic Information


Unlike usual horses, equines of these lands can range from your typical steeds to those with wings, claws, and other mutations due to magic.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genetics are close to actual equines, with black horses, red, spotted, brindled etc., but more than that, the equines here really have no rarity. They can be basic (or realistic in our eyes) to odd looking with more legs, or horns, or even heads, wings, and tails.   Long as you have the overall appearance of the equine down, it will be acceptable thanks to various mutations throughout the years.   To reproduce, it can be the ol fashioned way or through magic. Any gender can reproduce with any gender. However, sexual acts do not feel pleasure. The chance of twins are the only things that can be purchased with treasure. Successful or not breedings can be opted in or not for those who want a bit of a realistic experience.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unlike regular horses, due to the rich history of magic, these equines can live up to 100 years, the oldest on record a mare at 121 years old. It's not uncommon for new records to be set of old age either.   (Days noted are IC posts totaled)  
  • Newborns/Foals [ 0 - half old ] (7 days until youth)
  • Youth [ 1-3 year old ] (14 days until adult)
  • Adult [ 4-80 years old ] (Up to roleplayer until death depending on the character's health at the time.)
  • Elder [ 81+ years old ] (Up to roleplayer until death depending on the character's health at the time.)
  Health factors do come into play and can be decided upon the one whom roleplays them. From illnesses, diseases, curses, severe wounds, and so on, there's many ways to decide.   If opted in, the roleplayer may wish to have Fate decide but be cautioned, you cannot go back on this decision unless light magic or dark magic is casted upon it to reverse it.  


  Immortality will be given to negate illnesses and injuries, but won't effect curses. After an equine (a character) accomplishes a lot by helping others, such as but not limited to: healing the sick, purifying curses, catching bandits/pirates, and more.    It will be send in for approval in the correct thread where staff will check and then grant it.

Ecology and Habitats

They can live in any climate/habitat thanks to magic use.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Commonly eat greens and floral but a variety of sources to eat upon are open from meat, blood, bones, and even souls.

Biological Cycle

Same as any other equine, though old age comes slowly.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All senses are normal for the typical equine.   Magic is dependent on what they're born with.
  • It can be learned but takes two years or cheat with magic by going to the rulers of the domain which the magic originates.
    • Light and darkness are very difficult to learn however and there's a rare chance that those who seek for another magic will be granted by this by two unknown figures: an orb of light and a shadow, both that speak in various tones of vocals at once.
Scientific Name
100 years
Average Height
No average.
Average Weight
No average.
Average Length
No average.

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