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The Helper to the Mysterious Benefactor

Iabis was created long before any intelligent life every found him. He was only a sapling as he watched the world grow by a mysterious hand that he was even unsure of. As he grew, he tried to find his true purpose. Was he supposed to maintain the world or was he supposed to provide it with life when the creator seemed to vanish. As he aged and grew more, his trunks reaching all across his isle of life he found that he was to maintain and provide for the world. All was fair for a while; the wildlife thrived and the circle of life maintained balance. But soon it would not remain so. The prey was reproducing too quickly, and the predators killed the other predators to the point where only a few species could hunt the various prey. This problem could be easily fixed but Iabis could not fix it himself, for he was firmly rooted to his place in the world. So without going into despair he devised that he shall make a child from his own barky flesh, one that can move around freely. The first attempt was unsuccessful and drained a fair bit of Iabis's energy, but he persevered. And in his perseverance he successfully gave birth to not just one but four children each named Elene, Yona, Imana, and Vadnera. At his instruction he sent his children populate the world with life and to balance out the nature that he helped create. Nowadays, not many living beings know where Iabis resides or even if he still lives. What they do know is that his children are still alive and well and have given many gifts to the mortals, especially the peoples that roam the land now called Islemaria by the Ellavara.

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