The Wayside Settlement in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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The Wayside

Government: Single Leader: Inon Zur   Brief: The Wayside is made up of those who have abandoned the cult. Many were either kidnapped and indoctrinated while others came to their senses and have decided to flee. With few resources very few are capable of travelling far, so The Wayside was set up by Inon Zur. They accept anyone who needs shelter and while most wish to see the cult destroyed. They are realistic enough to realize they dont have the power to.A tiny encampment of friendly allies to the guild who have escaped the nearby cult and a hiding out here attempting to rescue whoever else they can. The encampment is litterally a collection of tents hidden within a cove in the dead forest
  • The Silvered Ones
  • Helping Refugees - Building walls | Setting up Hunting | Training Soldiers | Sneaking out new people [After Last Quest the Guild must show less ineptitude before they will be allowed to do this] | Setting up reliable food | Removing several of Naz' undead from nearby | Anything else
  • Monster of the Loc - There is a Morkoth within the lake next to the town, deadly and cruel it will lure people in and kill them
  • Seeing ghosts - Howard, a young boy who escaped with his mother has started seeing ghosts around town. No one else has seen them - The town has a number of **** in it. Howard, being the only child is the only one able to see them
Possible Encounters
  • Undead - From Naz
  • Beasts - Wild, scared looking for food


6 Members of the town are capable of combat. But none of them are skilled. Borislav is the only well trained soldier


  • The wayside was set up by two prior cult members. Inon Zur and Borislav. After they had spent a long time within the court they escaped realising the horrible nature of the cults ways.
  • They managed to escape using Borislav’s boat and they quickly set up a small number of attempts from here they continued going back to the island and helping rescue new people where their numbers continue to grow.
  • The guild has visited here on multiple occasions on the first they arrived spoke with the leaders and asked for their assistance in crossing the river and rescuing someone who had been kidnapped.The guild has visited here on multiple occasions on the first they arrived spoke with the leaders and asked for their assistance in crossing the river and rescuing someone who had been kidnapped
  • On the second they assisted the members of the wayside in building new boats before heading off again to the cult.
Owning Organization

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