The Orogon Orcs Organization in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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The Orogon Orcs


Pre-Orogon / Dark Scar Joining
  • The orcs have a long history with krakenfall and owe them a lot. They were good allies
  • In their first meeting Krakenfall met with an orcish tribe that was fairly well developed. They met Rimesh and another leader. They assisted them in clearing a cave
  • The next time they went to assist them with general jobs around town. One job led them to a cave. In this case they found a young boy crying, after attempting to save him they discovered an ability lurking in murky water. After almost defeating the creature (it fled) they attempted to save the boy. This boy ended up being a vampire who the orcs had imprisoned there. The vampire escaped.
  • The next time they visited they found that Jason (the vampire) had destroyed almost the entire town. Only a few survived, Rimesh included. The party assisted in hunting down and killing the vampire, bringing peace to the orcs.
  • The adventurers assisted the orcs flee their now destroyed home to head to a nearby castle for shelter
  • The adventures assisted the orcs in gathering nearby tribes to their group. Strengthening them. However they were told they would need to come back and help them with the diplomacy of joining the two tribes
  • They assisted them in dealing with a group of undead.
  • The next time a group went to visit them, they discovered the camp in the middle of a civil war. The two orcish group that had been gathered together had begun to fight to see who would lead them. The group decided to leave quickly Little did Krakenfall know that Lady V, a women with dark intentions was the one creating the trouble, she was also paying Koffutto a significant sum to defeat the tribes leader and take control of both
  • When they returned on the way back from the quest they found the entire castle destroyed with a large number of orcs dead. They also found the broken weapons of Rimesh and Koffutto. However they did not find the bodies of either group
  • After travelling out to see the orcs they found that Rimesh had died, wounded in the fight he slowly bled out. Nothing, not even magical healing was able to close the wounds which many found strange.
  • Koffutto on the other hand was alive and leading his own much smaller group, convinced by the party to work with the remnants of the dark scar the two groups joined and headed back to their old spot in the mountains. Now one slightly larger tribe
Post Orogon Joining
  • In the next meeting they asked the guild to investigate and butcher a large group of nearby kobolds who worship the dragons. This action led to practically a war crime where the guild attacked the town and butchered everyone inside. The orcs are strongly disliked by the founders for asking the guild to do such a thing. This was done under the order of Lady V, who wished to weaken the White Dragons positions
  • In the next meeting they met with an orc called Brimhal, who  managed to convince them that Kuffuto was the one worshipping the Indarra tribe's demons/devils, and this worship was a "disease" that needed to be cut away from the rest of the tribe. Brimhal claimed to be working under an individual named "Justice", a blind orc who takes no bias in who is right and who is wrong - which is a complete lie, no one is named Justice and Brimhal used that as cover to convince the party onto his side.
  • The party, under Brimhal's orders, infiltrated a warehouse holding valuable supplies for the Orogon and stole weapons, and more importantly, dozens and dozens of vials of Nightshade Poison (3d6, DC 12 con for half). The orcs the party were helping steal the crates claimed they were dispose of the poison, but just took it back to base anyways
  • The following night, the party snuck into Kuffuto's home under cover of a diversion, knocked him unconscious, and brought him to the revolutionary orcs. Shortly after before they could see the results, the party left for home
  • At this Stage the Orogon Camp became "The New Indarra Settlement" and is under the Indarra Tribes control
Post Coup
  • Many orcs abandoned their new leader to leave and save the wounded Koffutto, after several angry days pillaging they made a plan to head east and locate the previous leader of the Indarra orcs, Ziraj, who was also recently exiled from his tribe
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members

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