The Indarra Orcs Organization in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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The Indarra Orcs


During Ziraj's Reign
  • A large group of Grummsh worshiping orcs that hold control of large chunks of the desert, they were in a near constant war with the Yuan-Ti, whos numbers and fighting ability was holding them back from expanding
  • Through constant battles they were strong and strategic
  • They were invited to join the other orcish clans but they declined viewing them as week
  • There have been many minor fights against them, one where a small settlement was destroyed and another where, to help the bugbears they were displaced from one of their homes
The Demons Charisma
  • When Brimhal, a lowly orc at the time began to experiment with demons in an attempt to gain power it caused issues within the Indarra tribe. He gained immense strength and the ability to sway any man, women or child he spoke to. He used this power to gain influence within the tribe and rise to the top swiftly
  • Once he was ready he challenged Ziraj, claiming him to be an unworthy leader and that Grummsh was worthless to them, attempting to convert the tribe to worshiping his demonic master. Due to his demonic powers he won the fight and many sided with him, Ziraj fled into the desert
  • Now in control Brimhal wished to expand massively, to delay their eternal fight with the Yuan-Ti and focus elsewhere. He decided upon Reagar, a floating city and The Orogon Tribe. 
  • The group sent to take over Reagar was defeated by a travelling group of adventurers
  • The group sent to the Orogon tribe took a different approach, led my Brimhal himself he used charisma to get adventurers to side with him and assist him in the coup of Koffutto. He was successful and they now hold a stronghold in the mountains
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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