Gamwimba Settlement in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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This little hamlet sat upon alone island seems to be a lovely quiet place to live there are several shops many houses and a fully functional government system. However the town has a dark secret behind it, it is in fact set up and run by the Silvered Cult, Who use it to lure people in and connect with the outside world. Plotlines
  • Getting Rune
  • Destruction of the cult
  • Guards
  • Gamwimba is exceptionally hostile to the members of the guild who last went there. Typhus, Ave, Korrin, and Kitheni (with strong suspicions to Magic) will be attacked and arrested on sight if they are ever seen nearby the town again.
  • As for anyone else from Krakenfall, they aren't hostile unless the member mentions the city or that they are from it. If a guard hears that, they will be detained for questioning.


The town is an extremely diverse area. People of every type, gender and race are found here as the cult specifically tries to make it as welcoming as possible by involving as many races as possible.  
Guards: 30 Elite Guards: 2 General Population: 52


The town has a fake democracy in action with Keerala at its head when in truth every major decision the town makes comes from the tower where the majority of the cult reside.


  • A large stone and wooden walls around the town with guards steadily patrolling.
  • There is currently a checkpoint system in place where to enter the town a resident must hold a pass. The only way to get these passes is to purchase them from inside the town
  • The town defenses itself are once again reinforced, now with a low level Cleric casting Zone of Truth on any suspicious individual. Passes are purchased within the town for the cost of 5 silver, are marked upon leaving, and returned upon entry. You can purchase a permanent pass for 11 gold, which will only be marked to show your coming and going from the town.


The town is self-sufficient they have several farms and Paddocks filled with livestock they collect their own lumber and have their own mine, however they also use the thin river out to import the majority of the items they use.


  • The city was created several decades ago when the cult found it was difficult to trade or bring others in. So they created a friendly face a perfect town that they manage intricately.
  • The town was created over a decade with the cult using the experience of its many members in each area of construction.
  • Building a harbour was of great importance to the town so it was one of the first things constructed. This Harbour is used to import and export goods ensuring the town survives it is also used to bring in new unwilling participants for the cult goals.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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