Callie Kruger’s Wares Building / Landmark in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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Callie Kruger’s Wares

A store of medium-size this shop is run by Callie. A disorganised and forgetful woman it’s a mystery to anyone how the shop continues running but it does sometimes have some interesting things.

Purpose / Function

  • To buy and sell miscellaneous items both to adventurous and to members of the town
  • To be a large storage area for items in the town that are too large to store elsewhere
  • To purchase and sell items to the trading caravans that enter and leave the city


  • The shop is a two story building with the ground floor being designed for buying and selling the entire area open to public use except for a small back room. And the top floor the home of the shop owner.
  • The larger items on display are typically out on stands on the ground floor where are smaller items that are typically bought in bulk have small signs that state the cost


  • The shop was originally built by the current owners father it was run well and everyone in the town respected it.
  • After he passed away his daughter picked up the store and continued running it in his name, however it is clear she is ill suited to the job and while the store does continue to turn a profit it is commonly looked upon with a sympathetic view rather than a respectful one
  • The shop was once attacked by a member of the myriad,  The owner had refused to enter a protection racket and as such was made an example of. The place was fireballed, fortunately the adventurers were near and were able to extinguish the flames
  • The shop is now fully rebuilt and has returned to its normal running procedure
Shop, Generic
Parent Location

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