Isle of gho The Settling of Gho
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The Settling of Gho

Political event

The Year of Formation; the Year of the Black Tide

From the Tales of Lepida: Orated by Queen Akupara, the Undying

When I was young and Gho was wilder and more dangerous than it is now, the people of Gho had no laws and no protection. We died as quickly as we were born and stories lived and died with their families. Then the Great Condor Accipitos, largest of the condors, declared his territory to be his dominion and any who entered would follow his rules or suffer his wrath. He collected together all the families of the Birds of Prey and commanded they follow his laws or be expelled from the Accipitian Mountains. Not all the families were willing to bow to his will and true to his word, he took their nests and dashes them against the sides of the mountain, he threw them from the precipice and hunted each family member until they were removed from his territory or submitted to his will.

Seeing that their people would be even less safe with the organization of their hunters, the bravest of all the song birds, a Mocking Bird called Songjay braved the mountain and demanded to meet with Accipitos. She refused to be harried or chased off by the larger birds and her bravery was marked in the eyes of the Great Condor. They made an agreement and Aviat was the first kingdom born and divided. Then came Chiron, as those who fly at night did not feel King Accipitos could properly govern their business. The Great Horned Owl Ibenfall took to the night sky and called together any who flew with him and together they came and agreed that he should speak for them. But he was wise and knew he would need someone who could speak for them during the day as well and so he called upon those who fly in between and called to him one member of each bat household to vote on who would represent them and attend any conferences among the day flyers. The smallest of all the bats, a bumblebee bat named Belladonna was named and she impressed upon Ibenfall that they should bring representatives from the night and twilight walkers as well as their flying kin. Ibenfall agreed but suggested she be the one to collect the night walkers, as they may not listen to him. And so the Queen of Rats, a matriarch of some time was brought into Chiron, as was the Silver Fox Idara.

News of the new kingdoms had spread, and I, always a beloved storyteller and history keeper and youngest of my kind at the time, was thrust into the roll of leader, and so we named our land Lepida to represent us all.

In a similar veins, Theria was formed, the Queen a vibrant and determined meerkat and dear friend of mine.

Although we do not know officially when the kingdoms of the sea and waves collected, it was at this time that they made themselves known and we welcomed their sovereignty into our collective.

Finally, the first Queen of Tracheor, Mau, gathered together all the families of the Great Cats and argued they should take their lives into their own hands, form their own kingdom before the power of freedom could be taken from them. And so formed Tracheor, held in loose control by the Great Queen Mau. Although it was not long before the canines of Tracheor requests more autonomy, and the Ursine as well, so the Queen gave them limited rule over the outskirts of Tracheor, and so the three regions of Tracheor were formed.

And so our world was for the first generation of the Kingdoms.

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The Settling of Gho