The Frostshields Organization in Isildur | World Anvil
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The Frostshields

Magic Anyone can be convicted of being a Witch or a wizard and anyone can cause anyone of partaking in magic and it is a good chance they will be found guilty and burned at the Stake. However, with this policy, the Frostsheild Clan has a problem namely how do they create things such as teleportation circles or protection from spells such as Scrying or Teleport. The Frostsheild Clan solved this problem by claiming that those that survive being burned at the stake have been cleansed by the Arch Seraphs and will atone for their sins by serving the Frostsheild Clan, in truth they have been given a necklace of barbs that makes one immune to fire damage and have also sworn loyalty to the Frostsheild Clan through a blood oath. There are 3 such mages now 1 in each city and are watched extremely carefully. On another side, the Frostsheild Clan has many more clerics as it is to them that the Arch Seraphs use their power.   The Watchers The Watchers are an organization of Mage Hunter that spans the globe and while they are not all interconnected and do not work together they have a common goal. Rid the world of Magic. The Watchers hunt magic users guided by 12 strange entities how are known as the Arch Seraphs how can grant strange powers and the ability to gain angelic traits. These strange powers are only one of many tools the Watchers use to hunt mages. Another is a useful alloy of Ravensteel allowing them to gain some of the benefits of the metal. They also have strange nets that can immobilize spellcasters.     The Cites of the Frostsheild Clan The Frostsheild Clan controls three cities. The largest of these and the capital of the Frostsheild Clan is Whalthir the City of Blades which it got its nickname from because the oldest parts of the city are made out of blades and other weaponryand the city is sort of shaped like a blade. At least the walls of the city are. Outside of the city are the Field of Ashes. This is where all the mages that have been burned have been staked, at least those near Whalthir and both the stakes and corpse of the mage have been left as a warning to others. Their is also a prison for mages outside the city and the cathedral of the Watchers is also here in addition to the leaders of the Frostsheild. The second city is located in the Forrest of Ice and Winter and it is fouchesd on building ships. The town is called Darkbloom. It was once a hideout for pirets and its former piret lord is still the ruler of the city but now he works for the Frostsheilds however the old piret lord has many secrets that might doom the city. The Final city or more of a large town is located in the mountains and focused on mining. It is called Greysmoke after the Smokepowder veins in the mountains and it serves as the center of a large network of towns and villages throughout the mountains that dig up ore and send it here to be forged into weapons, tools and equipment for the army. This is where new weapons are developed by dwarves and gnomes as the city was once home to a dwarven clan however it was destroyed by the demon invasion. Now it is the location where all the weapons of the Frostsheild Clan can be found. Also nearby is the forge of Wayland the smith how is the wizard here spared because he can forgeing abilities are legendary. The immortal smith prefers to be left alone but will some times craft an item for the right price of course.   The Tower of Osodera  On the edge of the Frostsheild Clans territory their is a mage tower that once belonged to the lich Odera tower and she would telaport it around with her armies but after the war it came to rest here. Several explorers have entered the tower and few have survived. Those how do say that it is bigger on the inside than outside. The Watchers have tried to destroy it but it reaperas a few days latter.   Nighteye Deep within the only swamp on the Frostdheild territory their lies an old battlefield called the Nighteye. The battlefield is from the time when the gods fell and it shows for their is a towering colossal buried in the marsh with all the spirits and ghost that partok in the battle still lingering bound to where they died. The rest of the battlefield is full of ruined structures such as a keep and a tower. But not only spirits wonder the marsh as their is a Cadaver Collector called the Buther. The Frostsheild clan whant to recreate the colossal in the marsh and have sent many research teams into the Nighteye. All have failed only adding to the number of spirits that reside here.


The territory of the Frostsheild clan stretches from the Tower of Osodera to the south all the way to the Fortress of Ice. They also stretch to the mountains and have the White Dragons surrounded. The Frostsheild clans are a triumvirate of cities and half a dozen smaller towns. The Frostsheilds are the main power in the Winter Land at least militarily.


The Frostsheild Clan have a massive military so strong in fact they managed to hold off an armada from the Summer Land. They have around 3000 active veterans with every citizen combat trained. They also have half a dozen airships which they use to fight white dragons and they have around 200 warships however they can only use around 80 of them as the rest have to protect trade. Finally, the Frostsheild Clan has the support of the Watchers which makes up for their lack of arcane spellcasters as they only have 3 mages and 10 clerics in their entire clan.

Technological Level

The Frostsheilds have quickly adopted firearms into their arsenal. This is helped by large amounts of Smokepowder that is found in the mountains near the city of soot. However, the Frostsheilds lack one thing and that is thunderstones and rely more on Blackpowder weaponry.


Like many lands that have the Watchers as their patron, most worship the Archseraphs which are a collection of angels (sort off) that reside in the Mortal Realm and that have come to the realization that magic is the source of most evil in the world and the only solution is killing all magic-users. They also have an artefact that allows them to grant cleric spells and other strange abilities to combat magic called the God Forge.

Foreign Relations

In the mind of the Frostsheild clan you can only be three things and ally and enemy or neutral.   Right now the enemies of the Frotsheild Clan are the White Dragons Caln, the Flame Clan and the Frostwalker Clan which are currently at war with the Frostsheilds. The Frostsheilds have only one ally and those are the Fanged Ones however the war has been fought for over 15 years and not much has happened. Finally, the neutral factions are everyone else and it seems to be only a matter of time before more factions join the war.

Agriculture & Industry

There are 4 industries that the Frostsheild Clan engage in. One is a Mining Industry and by far the largest as they have a large number of mines most of them produce iron and silver. They also excavate Smokepowder from the mountains. They also have a lumber industry that takes wood from the Forrest of Ice and Winter. There is also a huge number of mercenaries that the Frostsheild Clan and finally their is a small monster hunting guild in the Frostsheilds.

Trade & Transport

The Frostsheilds don't have many allies and rely on the Fanged Ones to help them get the goods that they export and import in and out of the Winter Land. The Frostsheilds and the Fanged One's transport these goods in massive ships which no one in the Winter Land can stop then when they come out of the Winter Land the main part of the warship escorting the large trade ships leave and guide the next group while the first group sail with a smaller escort to their desired location.


There are only two options for education in the Frostsheild clan if you want to stay within the Frostsheild clan's borders. The first one is being thought by monks and the second one is going to army school which takes 1/2 of all children in the Frostsheild clan and most others travel to the Fanged Ones. The education in the army school begins at age 12 and then they graduate after 10 years and can choose a carrier in the army.
Geopolitical, Clan
Major Exports
The Frostsheilds have the largest iron mines in the Winter Land second only to Hardenhelm they also have huge amounts of silver and gold just to name a few. They also export blackpowder and timber which they sell in great numbers. They have three mercenary companies which they can loan out. Finally, they have the support of the Watchers and can give immunity to spellcasters from them.
Major Imports
Now the Frostsheilds are the richest of all the clans in the Winter Land and have the largest of the navy out of any of the clans however the Flame Clan are called the Master of the Waves because the majority of the Frostseilds fleet is exporting merchant ships latent with foodstuffs. Like 20 % of all the food that gets escorted to the Winter Land goes to the Frostsheilds. In addition, they also import beast of burden, siege weapons and so much more.
Neighboring Nations

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