The Fortress of Ice Settlement in Isildur | World Anvil
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The Fortress of Ice

The Village  This is a small settlement of around 500 that have nothing except just enough food to survive through the endless winter. This village is full of Mongrelfolk. It was constructed around 20 years ago and it was almost destroyed in its first year luckily for them a stranger appeared around when the village was only 200 individuals. The stranger told them that if they would give him people of the town he would help them and so they were saved from death. Ever since then the Mongrelfolk has expanded like crazy becoming the number they are today. However every month a carriage arrives and the townsfolk load two Mongrelfolk into it and then send it away never to be seen again.   The Docks The Docks are where the riches of the townspeople live and also where two of the representatives that speak to Galegial live in 2 out of the three manors in this ward and the final manor is for the Prince of Beggers how controls a small smuggling operation and with the help of a few Gnolls he has taken control over all of the Fisherman guild.   The Ice Ward  This is where the Middle Class live even though it is quite small. This is where the Church of Silvereyes have their headquarters. This is where you can find most of the shops and such. This ward has several problems one is a gnoll infestation and the everpresent problem of wild monsters.   The Fortress of Ice This is the smallest of the forts as this served as a place where fey could rest before going to the Hall of the Frozen Tears. It is only 120 feet tall at its highest point. This is where Galegial lives and where and his schemes to destroy the world are made. The Fortress has three floors, the first one is where Galegial lives and where he attends visitors, the second floor is where the guest rooms and barracks are. The Spiers of the castle is where its library is. Finally in the dungeon is where most of the experiments can be found.


The old town that surrounds the Fortress has a representative for each ward that speaks to Galegial how has the real power.


There is a stone wall that surrounds the town and has the fortress itself and finally, a town militia of 40 veterans and 60 well-trained hunters and they also have Galegial.

Industry & Trade

The main industry of the town of Ice is fish as that is the main thing they eat. Then after that, it is mining and the production of weapons which they sell to the Frostsheids as that clan is their only trading partner.


This is an extremely remote town and they are completely self-sufficient not relying on trade. There are almost no shops as the townsfolk don't have much to trade.

Guilds and Factions

Just like the Fortress of Frostfire this settlement to remote to have any major factions though their are still two organizations of interest.   The Curch of Silvereyes  This is a small cult that worships Galegial as a god and has many worshipers in the town slowly spreading.   The Village  On the outskirts of the larger town their is a smaller village that the Mongrelfolk population have banded together to build however many of them despise the larger town and tensions are growing high.


The Town was originally built in 86 A.D.I and also became a refuge camp for those that had lost their homes. This area came into the possession of Galegial when he decided to trade his magical knowledge for ownership over the town. Galegial took over and the Mongrelfolk population exploded this made the larger town exile them away from the settlement.


Very little by ship mostly from the Frostshields to check if someone is using magic.


The Town of Ice has several wards and a different style for each one The village is made of rickety and badly built buildings that it is a wonder that it is still standing. Many have described it as the slums of slums. The Docks is where the richest people in the town with a few manor houses here, a lighthouse, several warehouses and a market square. Here buildings are generally a single story tall with some being two and only one of the mansions has 3 stories.


The Fortress of Ice is located on a small hill near the sea and many how have fished there say that it is the best place in the Winter Land to do so. There is also the Wildsong Wood a forest that is home to the prison of the Fortress. A large complex that doubles as an asylum. The Forrest is also full of a large range of hills that has a lot of minerals to make steel and the townsfolk have become quite adept at making it.

Natural Resources

The Fortress of Ice has the most resources one could ever need, first it is the abundance of both fish and wild game that feeds the town. Then they have a small forest for wood and finally the hills to the north provide them with metal

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