The Claw of Shade Organization in Isildur | World Anvil
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The Claw of Shade

The Claw of Shade is a secret organization that is one part of the Druids of Lo-Kathe however they are loyal to Wolfric. They are an extremely loose order Since most work independently or in small groups. All are experts in one field, so when groups come together, they don't have the same talent. The Claw of Shade are extremely secretive and they work to help Wolfric and are experts at creating monsters.  The council of seven and Wolfric among them are the only authority in the CLaw of Shade. One of the members is an assassin another a mage and so on and so on.


Wolfric is the leader and beneath him, 6 others control either one of the Wards of the City of Claws or a smaller settlement outside of the capital one of these is Jurian.  In the smaller towns, there are at most half a dozen members of the claw not counting their goons. The council receives reports every week and then make their own reports to Wolfric. Everyone works independently only working together by choice. In the City of Claws, there are around 150 agents all doing their own experiments with about 50 in the Fortress of Never-Ending Winter and two dozen in the Fortress of Roses. Their remaining agents are schatterd in various locations around the Winter Land.


Most of those in the Claw of Shade work with monsters and are quite brilliant. Many see only test subjects when looking at those from outside their order.

Public Agenda

The Claw of Shade has not existed for over 150 years and are believed gone by most in the world.


The Claw of Shade still works in secret under the illusion of masks and false names however they are the most powerful faction in the Fanged Ones. They have secret strongholds all across Isildur which are full of many monsters test subjects and several magical components. They also have access to many resources the Druids of Lo-Kathe have.


The Claw of Shade where formed by Wolfric Voidgazer to create or change monster corrupting them to the influence of Lo-Kathe by using alchemy and magical devices and spells. Formed during the fall of the Eldar the Claw studies alchemy and black magic in hidden laboratories underneath cities all the while adding to their dark order. Wolfric being the founder of the order is the highest authority in the Claw of Shade and being quite intelligent he has kept the order secret not interfering and even capturing servants of the Eldar Evils and sealing them away. His greatest achievement of his and the order was imprisoning a Star Spawn Emesairy in Cold Iron Keep and this was one of the many actions that made it possible for Wolfric to become the leader of the Fanged Ones. During the Demon Invasion the order was decimated however Wolfric kept them together and they helped him reclaim the Fanged One's territory and for his deeds, he became their leader. After this, the Claw of Shade started pursuing the dark arts again all in secret
Druidic Circle
Controlled Territories

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