The Beninging in Isica | World Anvil
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The Beninging

The year is 523 of the Current Age on the continent Isica, a diverse landmass of many cultures and environments. There are 7 Provices each ruled by a greater noble family. To the frozen north, Bredia, known for its slave trade and the fruitful profits of the slave mines. To the North west Keterdam on the edge of its moor, known for it's casinos and lively nights. A little ways south, past the Egodag Kamm, Akhozia, serving as the primary seaward port along the west coast distributing goods to all the towns isolated from the waters, as well as holding history of battle in great libraries and skeletal remains of once great foes. In the south, towards the Barovic Ocean, is Nabia, a city of innovation, and home to the creators of the air ship. Off to the east, divided from the mainland by the Erinze Ocean, Xulyar is home to a different kind of innovation, the heart of isica's war machine resides here, producing the newest means of defending Isica's lands and waters from monsters, pirates, or nameless lands across the oceans. Crossing back northward to the mainland, Stomin another seaward trading city, where bounty hunters and monster hunters gather to show their bravery in the shadow of the Dragon's Tail. And lastly, in the center of Isica, Daston, where the court of Sciebis convene to make law, ensuring the prosperity of each of the provinces.
  Before we get started I'm going to message all of you something. You may or may not know what it means. It's up to you to do with what I message you. You can share it, keep it secret, forget it, or write it down. All I can say is that it's a surprise tool to help us later.
  Our story begins to the west. Somewhere deep within the stony earth. A band of gnolls have set their sights on pillaging the nearby town of Quares. And as they prepared, they began ambushing wanderers and travelers. They took who they could and killed who they couldn't. As for those who where taken from their travels, they eventually wake to find themselves in damp, dark, stony room where they only light is a faint bit of torchlight coming through a rusted cage door. We begin with the rapid working of tiny hands, the clicking of thieves' tools, and the plink of a lock coming undone. As a small gnomish figure pushes open their rusted cage and steps out into the walkway. The Space around you is dark, with wet, jagged, stone walls. The room is held up by a handful of pillars with various debris pilled against them. You can see several cells to your left and right and a couple more across the room. You know you're not alone here, there are several other people who were captured. Lock DC's - 8 Working your way down the tunnel, around the corner you can see an small room with dirt floors and it looks like several elephant or mammoth tusks planted along the sides along with a couple gnolls prowling the small area, one of which is fairly close. Fight the gnoll guards with no equipment - 5 gnolls Find equipment + 4 healing potions & 3 greater healing potions

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