Isan The Sundering
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The Sundering

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


They came from the west, a horde of abominations with death in their eyes. We fought hard and were nearly victorious. Then they came from the east. Still we fought, though it seemed dusk was upon us. Then they came from below. It was then that we knew all was lost.

The sundering was a cataclysmic event of world-altering proportion. As Meridian gained more power and his forces gained more ground, sweeping through the divided nations of man, he nonetheless encountered many territories that were united and powerful enough to resist him, and even push back his armies in some instances.   So Meridian enacted a plan. He, through a growing number of mortal followers, infiltrated these lands and devised a means of exploiting natural leylines, channels through the material world where the border between planes wanes thin. After some years of preparation, Meridian was able to manipulate several key organizations into tapping into these leylines, under the deception that these were fonts of power that could be used to defeat Meridian.   The tapping of these leylines resulted in an immense, violent event in which the border between the Mualdur and the material plane was temporarily split, like cracks through a glass, scarring the landscape with an immense release of magical energy. Meridian immediately pulled a host of of his armies through and was able to attack and capture many lands from within.   This event is seen as Meridian's definitive victory, effectively ending the War of Ascendancy.

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