Wynite Elvish Language in Irryel | World Anvil
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Wynite Elvish

"Ma ceñaty" -Common Wynite Greeting


Bilabial Labio-Dental Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m (m) n (n) ɲ (ñ)
Plosive p (p) b (b) t (t) d (d) k (k) g (g) ʔ (')
Sibilant Fricative
s (s) ʃ (sy) x (c) h (h)
Non-Sibilant Fricative f (f) v (w) θ (th) ð (dh)
Lateral Fricative ɬ (ll)
Tap ɾ (r)
Approximant l (l) j (j)
  • [v] is sometimes realized as [w]
Co-Articulated Consonants
  • [tʃ] (tx)
  • [tɬ] (tl)
  • [ts] (ts)

Front Middle Back
High ɪ (y) u (u)
Mid ø (e) ə (ê) o (o)
Low a (a)
  • [aɪ]
  • [øɪ]

Syllable Structure   Wynite syllable structure is entirely open with the exception of verbs, which always end in [ll]. Stress in multisyllabic words generally falls on the initial syllable, though this changes in pronoun compounds, preserving stress on the initial syllable of the root word. Syllables are constructed in the following way:
  • (P)(C)V[ll]
  • P represents a plosive consonant
  • (C)V as any vowel or consonant-vowel pairing
  • [ll] being the aforementioned verb ending
Because of this very limited syllable structure, Wynite Elves developed a syllabary as their primary writing system.


Noun Cases   Nouns in Wynite Elvish have three classes (sentient, animate, and inanimate) and three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter). Sentient nouns and related adjectives are marked for gender while animate nouns mark their adjectives but may or may not be marked themselves. Inanimate nouns are rarely marked.  
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Sentient -(y)ny -(y)ry -∅
Animate -(y)na -(y)ra -∅
Inanimate -∅ -∅ -∅

Grammatical Number   Nouns are further marked for plurality, distinguishing between dual, plural, and collective.  
Singular Dual Plural Collective
-∅ -e -tle -eva

Personal Pronouns  
Gender 1PS 1PPI 1PPE 2PS 2PP 3PS 3PP
SUBJ M Ne Cene Cetu Cy Cyne Ny Nyne
SUBJ F Re Cene Cetu Cy Cyne Ry Ryne
SUBJ N Ce Cene Cetu Cy Cyne Tyry Tyryne
OBJ M Tan Tane Tatu Tyru Tyrane Dhy Dhyne
OBJ F Tar Tane Tatu Tyru Tyrane Dhe Dhene
OBJ N Tan Tane Tatu Tyru Tyrane Dha Dhane
GEN M Nun Nune Nutha Nu Nudha Nuny Nunyne
GEN F Nur Nune Nutha Nu Nudha Nury Nuryne
GEN N Nun Nune Nutha Nu Nudha Nuty Nutyne

Object Pronouns  
Definite Indefinite Proximal Distant
Singular M yn y an cay an
Singular F yr y ar cay ar
Singular N y y a cay a
Dual yney aney aney cay aney
Plural yneth aneth aneth cay aneth
Collective nedhay nedhau nedhau cay nedhau

Verbs   Verbs in Wynite Elvish always end in all, ell, yll, or oll, and are conjugated for the simple past, present, and future tenses. To form complex tenses and aspects, verbs are combined with auxiliaries and copula to form verb phrases.  
Past Present Future
Stem Ending -an(v) -(v) -(v)ty
cet- -all cetana ceta cetaty
tlan- -ell tlanane tlane tlanety
tan- -yll tanany tany tanyty
te- -oll teano teo teoty

Ell - to be  
Infinitive Perfect Habitual Present Progressive Prospective
ell ne ene e en ety

Nyll - to have  
Infinitive Past Present Future
nyll nany ny nyty

Verb Phrases

Sentence Structure

Word Order   Wynite Elvish follows Subject-Object-Verb word order.
Prepositional Phrases   Prepositional phrases are placed before whatever they relate to.

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