Titan Species in Iron Harmonics | World Anvil
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Basic Information


All titans are many times bigger than the size they once occupied as normal members of their origin species, although the extent of enlargement can vary for different titans of different species. As an animal reaches titanhood, their body proportions change to be longer and thicker, and some prominent features such as horns may also grow to be much more pronounced.

Genetics and Reproduction

Titans only arise as an animal reaches a great age, and no animan has ever been known to be born a titan, even offsprings between titans of same species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Attaining titanhood is a process that spans many decades. Titan lifespan can vary from two hundred years to five hundred years, though reports of particularly long-lived titans that live for nearly a thousand years are heard of with dubious credibility.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Titans generally eat the same food as normal members of their species, although some titans gain the ability to obtain sustenance from other sources such as minerals, sunlight, or even emotions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Titans often become leaders of a group of other members of their origin species, even of otherwise solitary animals, although titans living in solitude is not uncommon either.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Titans are found all over Rudion, and presumably in continents beyond.

Average Intelligence

It is believed that acquiring knowledge and wisdom outstanding from that normal animals may possess is one of the conditions of attaining titanhood, not the opposite. As such, all titans possess great knowledge, perception, the ability to think from many angles, and the skill of analyzing and understanding.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In addition to retaining their original means of perception,
Scientific Name
Titans are animals that attain great size, power, and wisdom over great many years.
A couple of hundreds of years, seemingly dependent on origin species
Conservation Status
Few but thriving
Average Height
Varies greatly, even among titans of the same origin species
Average Weight
Varies greatly

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