Hunca Species in Irim | World Anvil
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Whether in herds out on the Virsol Expanse or dragging carts within cities, Huncae can be found throughout Elaion. Over generations of settlers, huncae have been domesticated to pull carts and as a method of transportation. Males are typically used more often for heavy transport, while females are regularly used for speedy travel. In the wild, they are occasionally hunted, but more often are left alone, as hunters prefer others species out on the Expanse.

Basic Information


Male Huncae are built slightly larger than females, and they have two large horns on their head, intended for fights over mates and territory. They also are heavier than females, which tend to move quicker than their counterparts. They stand on all fours, with hooves that often need to be protected from injury in urban environments. Their short, coarse fur is typically a shade of brown, varying from tan to chestnut, occasionally spotted with lighter whites and tans. Their eyes, on the sides of their heads, have oval pupils.

Genetics and Reproduction

Huncae reproduce sexually. Males often fight for the right to reproduce, as well as the strongest being the leader of the herd.

Growth Rate & Stages

Huncae mature by the time they're three years old. In the wild, their lifespan tends to last between 10 and 13 years, but, in captivity, they often live until nearly 20.

Ecology and Habitats

Hunca are native to the Virsol Expanse, feeding on its grasses and sometimes falling prey to its natural predators - most often, wild cats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Huncae survive off of the grasses and grains that grow in the Virsol Expanse. Some of those which have been domesticated have adapted to also eating leaves and from shrubs, but many owners are forced to adhere to their natural diet.

Biological Cycle

The seasons on the Virsol Expanse are not so dramatic that huncae need to hibernate, though their fur tends to thicken slightly during the cold season.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Hunca's vision is actually rather weak in compared with some of their other senses, but they far make up for it with their sense of touch. They primarily detect the world around them by feeling vibrations through the ground, as well as with their heightened sense of hearing.
Scientific Name
Hun Cael
10 - 13 years (in the wild)
Conservation Status
Huncae are well conserved, as they are far more often domesticated than hunted. They're not considered particularly profitable for much other than their use as transport and in labor.
Average Height
4.5 ft. for males, 4.3 ft. for females
Average Weight
675 lbs for males, 600 for females

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