Gabriel Montauk Character in Iodesia | World Anvil
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Gabriel Montauk

"Hello, I'm Gabe."

Disgrace Gabriel Tenepreis Montauk (a.k.a. Gabe)

The main character of our story.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fitness: Average for a male of his species.

Body Features

His typical white fur for his race have a slimy layer of light blue scales buried under them.

Facial Features

He has a reptilian snake-like tongue.

Identifying Characteristics

He has very odd eyes, just like his father.

Physical quirks

He frequently starts walking on all limbs by accident.

Special abilities

His cane is capable of large solar energy bursts when his eyes turn pink.

Apparel & Accessories

Walks with an intricate jade cane.

Specialized Equipment

His cane.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He is born. His mother dies. He grows up fast, being beaten in the orphanage. After discovering the library in Paniaph, he studied all he could. He becomes Head Librarian. And.... We're all caught up.

Gender Identity

Make (He, His, Him)




Has read every book in the library in Paniaph. ... ABOUT 30,000 TIMES.


Head Librarian of Paniaph, a small town of those branded criminals by the Zeraph empire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His mom was stoned to death for mating with the monster.

Mental Trauma

He was deeply affected by his mother's death.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is very Musical.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes all people should accept and attempt to understand all other people.

Personality Characteristics


To stop the production and consumption of Hate.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Can read and write perfectly in all languages he is fluent in, but is terrible at mathematics.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves lemons, the colors blue and orange, and technology, and hates nature, the colors purple and red, and green is a no.

Personality Quirks

Will occasionally vomit water.


His fur is constantly slimy, the mucus coming from under his scales.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Would be considered charismatic in our culture, but is shunned for being a hybrid.


Has an odd, guttural accent, its Earth equivalent is a mix of Scottish and German.

Hobbies & Pets




Wealth & Financial state

Extremely poor, but is provided clothes as part of his job title.
Current Location
Pillar of Paniaph
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head Librarian of Pariah
Year of Birth
57 H.T. 19 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A hybrid between the Sserpsea and a Zeraph.
Church of Gliterein
Current Residence
Highest room in Library of Pariah
A Blue-Green color, appear pink when he's mad.
Turquoise dense curls to his shoulder.
127 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's time to send the world back an era."
Aligned Organization
Pariah Rebels
Known Languages
He is fluent of the languages of all three of the main species.
Character Prototype
A baby of a polar bear, a Hylotl from Starbound, and Thomas Jefferson from Hamilton.

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