Halfling Species in Into the Vast | World Anvil
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Razum Nikta was well within her comfort zone now.  The human officers had chased her into the alley where she seemingly disappeared.  How was she supposed to know the food in that cart wasn't for her; sharing the bounty of a harvest was what she knew.  Also what she knows - climbing! And these buildings were basically like the floating islands back home.  Even easier actually, cause the fall to the ground from here is 30 ft.  After the officers leave she repels back down, landing with an almost silent splash into the puddle in the alley.  "This world is strange" she thinks to herself, taking a bite of her new ill-gotten Durien, "and so much easier to traverse".

Deeply reverent of their homeworld and its sacred sites, the nomadic kor live a spare existence defined by their constant travels. Masters of ropes and hooks, they scale sheer cliffs and cross yawning chasms with such skill and agility that they sometimes seem almost to take flight.

Mini Mountaineers of Kor

Halflings are short, slender humanoids with light hair and gray, blue-gray, or ivory skin. All kor have slightly pointed ears, and males have short, fleshy barbels on their chins. They paint softly glowing geometric patterns on their faces and bodies, both to denote tribe in their travels but also to help them be seen in the night sky or deep caverns of their home planet. Their clothing tends to leave their arms and shoulders free to facilitate climbing, and they keep most of their gear in pouches and slings at their waists.

Silent Survivors

The halflings are aware of the technology of other species, but for the most part choose to live a natural way of life at home: surviving, moving and hunting amongst the skies of Kor.  With so many predators and large creatures inhabiting their planet, their native language is a nonverbal use of hand signs and gestures that allows communication without attracting attention.  This can be observed by other Halflings, despite significant distance (particularly when augmented with whirling ropes) or howling winds. They also use this sign language among themselves when they wish to avoid being overheard. When they do speak, they typically use as few words as possible to convey their meaning.

The God-Core

Kor is essentially a gaseous exo-moon with a breathable atmosphere.  Swirling in it's windy void are millions of tiny floating islands and land masses, most of which are no larger than a medium-sized starship.  Because of this, the nomadic Halflings are always on the move, ready to jump and climb on the next passing island as it approaches.  They believe their great god lies at the center of their planets swirling core and thus believe being on their planet keeps them close to the god's heart.  Every rock, creature and plant swirling in the sky is part of their god, and moving from location to location keeps them closer to their deity and allows them to tend for it like a Gardner tends to plants.

Reason to Travel

Halflings are not very common outside of Kor (part of why they aren't in the United Galactic Nations UGN is because they arent enough of an evolved society to become a part of it), but sometimes entire tribes will hop on a visiting ship if it swings by their tribe's movement path.  More commonly, a Halfling will take the opportunity to temporarily join a crew as part of a sabbatical from their nomadic life.  Elders of the tribe encourage Halfling's to see the world and see whether they want to travel the stars or if they are truly happy on Kor with their tribe.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ancestral Traits

Your Halfling character has a number of traits in common with all other Halfling, regardless of culture.

Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Lucky. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Size. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You also have a climbing speed of 30 feet as long as you are not encumbered or wearing heavy armor.

A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.
Average Height
2'7" + 2d4
Average Weight
35 lb. x 1 lb.

Cultural Traits

The Halfling of Kor live an incredibly dangerous life on their planet. With high winds, dangerous creatures and a constant risk of falling, the Halflings build upon their need for climbing and survival with the following cultural traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1

Alignment. Most halflings are lawful good, with a strong dedication to community and the traditions of their ancestors.

Kor Climbing. You have proficiency in the Athletics and Acrobatics skills.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and communicate in the silent speech of the halflings (Theives Cant).

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