Salus, Spirit of medicine Character in Into the Deadlands | World Anvil
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Salus, Spirit of medicine

Salus is a powerful and Superior Spirit, who has existed since the dawn of time. She is a guardian and protector of the sick and the injured and is revered and worshipped by countless cultures and civilizations throughout the ages. Salus is a compassionate and kind spirit, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. She has the power to heal the sick and the injured with a single touch and can imbue those around her with a sense of well-being and vitality, helping them to feel healthy and strong. Salus is a beacon of hope and comfort to many and is often called upon in times of illness and injury.  


Salus is a beautiful and elegant Superior Spirit, with long, flowing hair and piercing green eyes. She is often depicted wearing a flowing white robe, which is symbolic of her purity and compassion. On her head, she wears a crown of leaves and flowers, which represents her connection to nature and her ability to bring healing and vitality to those around her. Salus carries a staff adorned with leaves and flowers, which is a symbol of her power and authority as the spirit of medicine. She is a graceful and otherworldly being, with a gentle and caring demeanor that inspires confidence and trust in those who encounter her.  


Salus is a kind and compassionate spirit, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. She is a fierce protector of the sick and the injured and will stop at nothing to see that they receive the care and attention they need. Salus is patient and understanding, with a gentle and nurturing nature that puts those around her at ease. She is a wise and thoughtful being, with a deep understanding of the complexities of the human body and mind. Despite her great power and authority, Salus is humble and modest and never seeks to draw attention to herself. She is a true servant of others, always ready to offer her help and support to those who need it.  


Salus has existed since the dawn of time and has always been a guardian and protector of the sick and the injured. She has been worshipped and revered by countless cultures and civilizations throughout the ages, and her powers of healing have brought comfort and hope to countless people. In ancient times, Salus was revered as a goddess of health and well-being, and her temple was a place of pilgrimage for those seeking healing and relief from their ailments. Even in modern times, many people still turn to Salus for help and guidance in times of illness and injury, and she continues to be a powerful and influential spirit in the world of medicine.  


There are ten commandments that priests of Salus  must adhere to:
  • Always put the needs of the sick and the injured above all else.
  • Treat all patients with respect, dignity, and compassion, regardless of their social status or circumstances.
  • Strive to continually improve your knowledge and skills in the medical arts.
  • Use your powers and abilities only for the good of others, and never for personal gain or ambition.
  • Respect the sacred trust that has been placed in you by Salus and your patients, and never betray that trust.
  • Work in partnership with other medical professionals to provide the best possible care to your patients.
  • Be honest and transparent in your dealings with patients, and always disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of your patients at all times.
  • Do no harm to your patients, and always act in their best interests.
  • Remember that the practice of medicine is a noble and selfless calling, and always strive to serve Salus and your patients to the best of your ability.

Ritual of Salus

The ritual of Salus is a sacred and ancient ceremony that is performed by the priests of Salus to honor the spirit of medicine and to invoke her blessings upon the sick and the injured. The ritual begins with the priests gathering in the temple of Salus, where they light candles and incense to create a peaceful and sacred atmosphere. They then recite a series of prayers and invocations, asking Salus to grant her healing power and protection to those in need. As the priests recite the prayers, they lay their hands upon the sick or injured person, channeling the healing energy of Salus into their body. The ritual concludes with the priests offering thanks and gratitude to Salus for her blessings, and asking for her continued guidance and protection.  


Here are some examples of acceptable offerings that might be made to Salus, the spirit of medicine:  
  • Flowers: Salus is often associated with flowers, particularly those that symbolize health and well-being, such as roses and lilies. Offerings of flowers are a way to show respect and appreciation for the spirit of medicine.
  • Herbs: Many herbs have medicinal properties, and offering them to Salus is a way to honor the spirit's connection to the healing arts. Some examples of herbs that might be offered to Salus include lavender, chamomile, and mint.
  • Healing crystals: Certain crystals, such as amethyst and jade, are believed to have powerful healing properties. Offering these crystals to Salus is a way to honor the spirit's connection to the natural world and to the healing arts.
  • Incense: Incense is often used in rituals to create a sacred and peaceful atmosphere, and it is a common offering to deities and spirits. Offerings of incense to Salus might include scents such as frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood, which are traditionally associated with healing and spirituality.
  • Food: Offerings of food to Salus might include healthful and nourishing items, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins. These offerings can symbolize the spirit's connection to good health and well-being.


Shrines to Salus are places of worship and devotion to the spirit of medicine. They are often located in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities, and are designed to be peaceful and welcoming spaces. Shrines to Salus typically include an altar or altar area, where offerings can be made and prayers can be said. They may also include statues or other representations of Salus, as well as candles, incense, and other ritual objects.   Priests of Salus are spiritual leaders who are dedicated to the worship and service of the spirit of medicine. They are often medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers, who have a deep and sincere devotion to Salus and her ideals. Priests of Salus may serve as chaplains or spiritual advisors in hospitals and other medical facilities, offering support and guidance to patients and their families. They may also lead rituals and ceremonies in honor of Salus, and work to promote the principles of healing and compassion in the world.   The priests of Salus are often depicted as serene and compassionate figures, with gentle and caring dispositions. They may be of any age or gender, and may come from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds. Many priests of Salus are medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers, who have a deep and sincere devotion to the spirit of medicine.   In terms of their appearance, the priests of Salus may wear a variety of different garments, depending on the traditions and customs of their particular shrine or community. Some priests may wear simple white robes, symbolizing their purity and devotion to Salus. Others may wear more elaborate garments, such as tunics or cassocks, adorned with symbols or insignia associated with the spirit of medicine. Many priests of Salus also wear head coverings, such as scarves or caps, as a sign of their respect and devotion to Salus.
Affiliation(s): Salus Medical Foundation
Age: Unknown
Areas of Interest(s): Medicine
Birth: Unknown
Enemies(s): Contagion, Spirit of Disease, Gormandar, Spirit of Gluttony
Eye Color: Piercing green
Gender: Female
Hair: Green long, flowing hair
Nickname(s)/Title(s): Great Physician, Soothing Hand, Goddess of Healing
Relationship Status:
Sexual Orientation:
Species: Superior Spirit
Symbol: Staff with a serpent wrapped around it
Worshiper(s): Patients, Healers

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Author's Notes

The writing was done with the help of Chatbot GPT by Open AI. Art was done with the help of Midjourney AI.

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