Krig, Spirit of War Character in Into the Deadlands | World Anvil
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Krig, Spirit of War

Krig is a powerful and fearsome spirit of war, capable of unleashing devastating blows with his massive sword and rallying the spirits of his comrades. He is a being of pure warfare, fiercely devoted to the cause of conflict and strife. Krig is nearly indestructible and can shrug off even the most powerful attacks with ease. Despite his violent nature, he is also a being of honor, and will always fight fairly and with respect for his opponents. However, his single-minded focus on battle and victory can make him a dangerous ally to summon.  


Krig appears as a towering figure, fully armored in shimmering silver plate. His armor is intricately detailed, with swirling patterns etched into the metal and sparkling gemstones set into the pauldrons. His helmet is adorned with a pair of majestic antlers, further adding to his imposing presence. Krig's eyes burn with a fierce, unquenchable fire, and his entire being seems to radiate a sense of unstoppable power and determination. His face is chiseled and handsome, with a strong jawline and piercing gaze that seems to look right through his opponents. Overall, Krig's appearance is one of fearsome beauty and deadly grace, befitting a spirit of war.  


Krig is a being of pure warfare, fiercely devoted to the cause of conflict and strife. He revels in the chaos of battle and is always seeking new enemies to vanquish. Krig is a relentless and ruthless warrior, showing no mercy to those who dare to stand in his way. He is driven by a burning desire to prove himself in combat and will stop at nothing to emerge victorious. Despite his violent nature, Krig is also a being of honor, and will always fight fairly and with respect for his opponents. He holds a deep sense of loyalty to those he fights alongside and will go to great lengths to protect them in battle. In times of peace, Krig can be somewhat restless, as he craves the thrill of combat and the rush of adrenaline that it brings. However, he is also a being of great discipline and is able to control his desire for battle when necessary.  


Krig has always been a spirit of war, existing for as long as there has been conflict and strife in the world. He is a being of pure warfare, fiercely devoted to the cause of battle and strife. Krig is a master of all forms of combat and is capable of unleashing devastating blows with his massive sword. He is also skilled in the use of magic and can call upon the spirits of fallen warriors to aid him in battle. Krig is nearly indestructible and can shrug off even the most powerful attacks with ease. He is also able to rally the spirits of his comrades, inspiring them to great feats of bravery and courage.   Krig has been summoned by countless armies throughout the ages, leading them to victory against all odds. He is a being of great power and influence, respected and feared by those who have encountered him. Despite his violent nature, Krig is also a being of honor, and will always fight fairly and with respect for his opponents. However, his relentless focus on battle and victory can sometimes lead him to make sacrifices and take actions that may be seen as questionable. Despite this, Krig remains a revered and respected figure in the world of warfare.  


There are ten commandments that priests of Krig must adhere to:  
  • Always honor the spirit of Krig, and show reverence for his power and influence.
  • Foster the spirit of conflict and strife, and encourage the pursuit of battle and victory.
  • Protect and defend those who serve Krig and his cause, and show no mercy to those who dare to stand in their way.
  • Strive for excellence in all forms of combat, and hone one's skills to the point of perfection.
  • Show respect for one's opponents, and fight fairly and honorably at all times.
  • Offer sacrifices to Krig, in order to appease his appetite for battle and appease his wrath.
  • Serve as a leader and inspiration to Krig's followers, guiding them towards victory and greatness.
  • Act with discipline and control, even in the heat of battle, and always maintain a clear head.
  • Respect the traditions and rituals of the priests of Krig, and follow them faithfully.
  • Put the cause of Krig and his followers above all else, and be willing to make sacrifices in pursuit of victory.


The "Ritual of the Warrior's Fury" is a sacred ceremony that is performed by the priests of Krig in times of great conflict and strife. It is a rite of passage for those who wish to become followers of Krig and is meant to inspire them with the spirit of the warrior.     The ritual begins with the priests of Krig gathering in a sacred temple dedicated to Krig. They light a series of candles and incense and begin chanting a series of ancient prayers and incantations. As they do so, the temple begins to shake and rumble, and a bright, fiery light begins to fill the room.   Suddenly, Krig himself appears in a burst of flame and smoke, his towering form filling the room. He is a being of pure warfare, fiercely devoted to the cause of conflict and strife. His eyes burn with a fierce, unquenchable fire, and his entire being seems to radiate a sense of unstoppable power and determination.   Krig addresses the gathered priests, speaking to them in a deep, powerful voice. He speaks of the glory of battle, and the honor of fighting for a just cause. He tells them that only through struggle and conflict can one truly prove oneself, and that victory is the ultimate goal.   The priests of Krig listen to Krig's words with rapt attention, their hearts filled with a burning desire to serve him and his cause. When Krig has finished speaking, he raises his mighty sword and smashes it into the ground, causing the temple to shake and the ground to tremble. This is the signal for the priests to begin the final stage of the ritual.   The priests take up their weapons and armor and prepare to do battle. They engage in a fierce and violent mock battle, each one fighting with all of their might and skill. The fight rages on for hours until only one priest remains standing. This priest is hailed as the victor and is deemed worthy to serve Krig and his cause.   The ritual ends with the victor being crowned with a crown of flames, symbolizing their devotion to Krig and the cause of war. The other priests then offer up their weapons and armor as a sacrifice to Krig, who accepts them with a fierce and approving roar. The ceremony ends with the priests of Krig declaring their undying loyalty to Krig, and pledging to serve him until their dying breath.  


Here are some acceptable offerings that the priests of Krig might present to their spirit:
  • Weapons and armor: Krig is a being of war, and is said to be particularly pleased with offerings of weapons and armor. These can be anything from simple swords and shields to more elaborate and ornate pieces.
  • Blood sacrifices: It is said that Krig is particularly fond of blood sacrifices, and will accept offerings of blood from animals or even humans. These sacrifices are typically made in times of great conflict or crisis, in the hopes of appeasing Krig's appetite for battle.
  • Offerings of food and drink: Krig is said to be a hearty eater and drinker, and will often accept offerings of food and drink as a sign of respect and devotion. These offerings might include roasted meats, hearty stews, and barrels of ale or mead.
  • Gems and precious metals: Krig is said to be a being of great wealth and prosperity, and will often accept offerings of gems and precious metals as a sign of respect. These offerings might include diamonds, gold, and silver, and are typically presented in the form of jewelry or other ornate objects.
  • Artistic creations: Krig is said to be a being of great beauty and refinement, and will often accept offerings of artistic creations as a sign of devotion. These might include paintings, sculptures, or other works of art.
  • Poems and songs: Krig is said to be a being of great poetry and music, and will often accept offerings of poems and songs in his honor. These might be written or performed in his honor, and are typically filled with themes of war, battle, and victory.


The shrines of Krig are sacred places of worship for the followers of the warrior spirit. They are typically located in areas that are associated with conflict and strife, such as battlefields or military strongholds. The shrines are typically adorned with symbols of Krig, such as his symbol (a flaming sword) and his colors (silver and red).   The priests of Krig are the guardians and caretakers of the shrines and are responsible for maintaining their purity and sanctity. They are also responsible for conducting the rituals and ceremonies that are associated with Krig, such as the "Ritual of the Warrior's Fury" that I described earlier.   The priests of Krig are typically skilled warriors in their own right and are expected to embody the spirit of Krig in all that they do. They are expected to be fierce and relentless in battle and to show no mercy to those who dare to stand in their way. They are also expected to be beings of honor, and to always fight fairly and with respect for their opponents.   In addition to their martial skills, the priests of Krig are also expected to be well-versed in the spiritual aspects of their faith. They are expected to be knowledgeable about the mythology and lore of Krig and to be able to recite the sacred texts and prayers associated with their spirit. They are also expected to be able to perform the various rituals and ceremonies that are associated with Krig and to lead their followers in times of worship and devotion.   The priests of Krig typically wear garb that is associated with the warrior spirit. This might include armor, weapons, and other military accouterments. The armor is typically adorned with symbols of Krig, such as his symbol (a flaming sword) and his colors (silver and red).   In addition to their armor, the priests of Krig might also wear other clothing items that are associated with their spirit. This might include cloaks, robes, or other garments that are adorned with symbols of Krig.   The priests of Krig are also expected to be well-groomed and well-kempt, as a sign of respect for their spirit. They are typically clean-shaven, with their hair well-trimmed and styled in a manner that is befitting of a warrior.   Overall, the appearance of the priests of Krig is meant to reflect the spirit of their spirit- fierce, relentless, and unstoppable. They are meant to be a visual representation of the power and majesty of Krig and to inspire their followers with their strength and determination.
Affiliation(s): Order of the Warrior's Fury
Age: Unknown
Areas of Interest(s): War
Birth: Unknown
Enemies(s): Arallu, the Spirit of Peace
Eye Color:
Gender: Male
Nickname(s)/Title(s): Warrior God, Conquering Blade, Sacred Blade
Relationship Status:
Sexual Orientation:
Species: Superior Spirit
Symbol: A flaming sword
Worshiper(s): Warriors, Soldiers, Athletes, and Businesspeople

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Author's Notes

The writing was done with the help of Chatbot GPT by Open AI. Art was done with the help of DALL·E 2.

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