Jadar al-Jazira Building / Landmark in Inqaa | World Anvil
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Jadar al-Jazira

Purpose / Function

Its purpose is keeping everyone out, and everyone in - the 'plague,' the other beings of the world - and to keep al-Nahr for the kingdom of Inqaa alone.


Every year, the spells that dispel attention and destruction are strengthened, so the island doesn't draw attention, or doesn't get destroyed from people who want al-Nahr.


It is made of the shiniest steel, it's almost impossible. The magic helps with that. It's hundreds of feet tall, and goes around the entirety of the island, in the ocean around.


It was first erected when Adira, the Founder and her crew came along and stole the land for themselves. They each drank a very specific potion and focused on building it, which is why it was so strong. Plus they had Adira, who had all kinds of magic thrumming through her veins. So the wall was built, and the beings outside it tried to fight back. They tried to destroy it. But they weren't strong enough - not when al-Nahr itself started fighting back - it didn't know what was happening, only that it was scary, and dangerous, and it wanted safety back. So the beings, including Basil al-Azim himself, were thrown far from the island, and the wall has been up ever since.
Alternative Names
The wall
Wall section

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