Inom Redspawn Reassemble and Relocate to Thriving
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Redspawn Reassemble and Relocate to Thriving

Population Migration / Travel


Even though it had seemingly popped up only a couple years before, suddenly Thriving blossomed into the jewel of Inom. It offered the Redspawn opportunity and subsistence both.

The area now occupied by Thriving had always been an alright place, even before the merfolk got to Inom, just another collection of settlements and hermitages living mostly-peaceful lives. It rarely saw attention from Beet-Red and her mercenaries.   But when the merfolk came and filled it up with convicted CEOs and slavers, turning it into a bustling den-city of iniquity where the contracts are plenty and the cattle-slaves cheap? It was inevitable that Beet-Red would to gather her Redspawn and move in.   Since then, the Redspawn have, simply put, thrived, and Thriving's politics have only cycled faster since.