Cults of Hyper Obsession Organization in Inom | World Anvil
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Cults of Hyper Obsession

In the cutthroat landscape one tends to associate with Thriving, one might not think that cults would have too big a role as factions. And truth be told, they don't-- not from Thriving's Feet and up. But out in Thriving's Slums, the powers in charge of the tower proper deign little to exert their control. The poor are of no interest to the squabbling rich. This leaves a vacuum of power to be filled. The Cults of Hyper Obsession, as they're called-- CoHO(s) for short-- fill that gap within their particular districts.   The CoHOs are an archetype of an organization, not an actual organization. The various cults' relations with each other range from unawareness and/or apathy, to friendly rivalry, to outright enmity. However, to the laity, they are frequently viewed as being all one big group of organizations due to their similarities.   Universal qualities of CoHOs include:
  • A central leader is in charge, who may or may not be the goddess of the cult, if any goddess is revered. She may alternatively be the prophetess or current vessel of the goddess instead. And whether or not there is a deity to worship, the leader invariably possesses the largest asset of worship among the cult.
  • At least one specific bodily asset is worshiped, usually one culturally understood to be erotic or suggestive or one frequently fetishized.
  • The cult cultivates its own farms of mutagen(s) associated with the asset of worship.
  • The leader spends all her time in a sufficiently-large and often open-air location on the premises, immobilized by her asset(s).
  • Common qualities of CoHOs include:
  • The leader was, before the cult, someone of money, power, and often an obsession-induced addiction to mutagens, usually using her connections to acquire agricultural quantities of the cult's chosen mutagen(s). The cult is often simply an excuse to perpetually nurture the leader's addiction.
  • The cult only operates within a single chapter, inside Thriving's Slums. Cults outside of Thriving are incredibly rare.
  • The leader employs her asset of worship to, in some capacity, consume others, as a sexual act, as housing, and/or as ritual sacrifice. This obviously doesn't happen so much when there is no way to consume with the asset of worship.
  • The Brier has seen fit to intercept notable members' prayers and act on their requests in some capacity.
  • Members of the cult other than the leader are permitted to or even required to make use of the mutagen(s) associated with the asset of worship. In some cases, it's all they're allowed to eat.
  • Members are either disallowed to exceed the leader's asset size or encouraged to succeed the current leader by exceeding her asset size.
  • Members carry out the maintenance of and keep the peace within the cult's district in the stead of any city authorities.
  • A significant chunk of the membership is composed of mutagen addicts who otherwise couldn't get their fix.
  • Four CoHos in particular are considered major players. In no particular order, they are:
  • Inom's Cradles, worshippers of the vagina.
  • The Church of the the Fountain of Rebirth, worshippers of the penis, testicles, and similarly-shaped organs.
  • The Taps Overflowing, worshippers of the breasts.
  • The Velvet Postern, worshippers of the butt.
  • Type
    Religious, Cult
    Hyper Cultist

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