Buzzberry Vine Species in Inom | World Anvil
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Buzzberry Vine

When the first new species came to Inom, one of the luxuries many had hoped dearly to reclaim was a source of caffeine. Whether from their equivalents to coffee, soda, or tea, many members from most every species needed that shit to live a comfortable, headache-free life. As luck would have it, many of Anicoja's fruits and roots would satisfy the old caffeine addiction. The most prominent and first to be explored, however, were the buzzberries. They quite literally shake themselves off the vine trying to get attention.   Of course, the berries' other effects soon made themselves apparent. The name has two meanings, because not only does the buzzberry juice give one a caffeine buzz; it also makes one's clit get bigger. For some, that was worth the continued access to caffeine that didn't taste half bad either-- like a cranberry mixed with pineapple. All they really had to do was stop wearing fabric down there that would scrape and agitate their new appendage.   As with every other plant sitting at the Wildcard's Diet, it has only some mutagenic effect raw (whether eaten as berry or drank as a juice) and more effect cooked. Of course, there's even more effect to be had when fermented, or, better, distilled, and some members of the Wildcard's Diet lend themselves far more readily to the palates of connoisseurs. Triplebuzz wine and brandy are perhaps the most well-received of the Wildcard Spirits.

Basic Information


Buzzberry vines are honestly quite like grape vines, albeit purple and with only one berry in the designated location rather than a whole bunch. The berries themselves aren't that big, either, and they resemble french burnt peanuts with a more bordeaux hue, but a lot more yielding to the teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Seeds in the berries. Pretty straightforward.

Growth Rate & Stages

The vine takes three or so years to begin bearing substantial quantities of fruit.

Ecology and Habitats

Buzzberry vines need room to climb, which usually means the ruins of the ancient civilization. They also tend to need mroe sun that other Jungle plants of their size.

Biological Cycle

Like others at the Wildcard's Diet, buzzberries bloom and grow year-round.

Additional Information


Buzzberry vines are grown on trellises and latticed fences, with the taller foliage cleared away to promote sunlight.   Efforts to improve the number of berries that grow at the end of the vine have been fruitless. Like the others at the Wildcard's Diet, the buzzberry vine stubbornly refuses to submit to selective breeding.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Though certainly edible and capable of sating a need for caffeine, the buzzberry is also used in cosmeceutics to grow one's clit (effects on those without a clitoris range from nothing to the growth of the glans).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found wild in the Jungle of Queens wherever there's intricate masonry, but it can survive on Codacote too.
Conservation Status
Wild vines are rather rare, but buzzberries survive in domestication.
Average Length
A single plant can grow to fit any wall or lattice, given time.

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