Barelies Ethnicity in Inom | World Anvil
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Barelies are the odd stock of merfolk which don't actually strongly resemble any animal. Barelies are humans with gills, or webbed fingers, or who have patches of fishscale. They also, technically, include the rare multisplice-- one who has spliced all sorts of species into her form.   Barelies are often kept out of the community for not committing enough, whether to the aquatic life in general or to a specific species. They're only "included" among merfolk because there are no other alternatives-- that's what the English-speakers of Inom call humans, even if they're not "fishy enough".


Beauty Ideals

Barelies tend to still be primarily attracted to human features. Once a face turns into a snout, they are often put off.

Major organizations

Barelies are scarce and tend to be fairly spread out. The village of Hortense is a notable exception, growing slowly.
Encompassed species
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