Stim coding Item in Infinita Codex | World Anvil
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Stim coding

Code slicing stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle. Tweaking, code doping: batch tweaks, or a batch of skill code. Bk1: I spotted a dark room behind the circuit board division that smacks of illegal stim coding and batch tweaks. People will pay a premium for good slicing on the lateral hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle, as will they for instantly teaching their muscles how to bash someone’s head in with kung-fu despite whatever havoc uncertified code will do to their own bodies if they bought a bad batch. Enough to keep a company like this covered from NUE investigations by a gaggle of attorneys and held afloat in the public eye by constant PR spin. Licensed tweaks aren’t illegal, but there are rules against enabling them while on government property (like a controlled firearm).

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