Incogs Item in Infinita Codex | World Anvil
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Short for virtual incognito identification mirroring, is slang for spies, plants, or people who are ‘incognito’ for one politicast inside another. However true spoofing of the network is a theoretical threat, not a known one. Bk1: Rook and Jericho discuss incogs as being something that no one has yet encountered since the hack needed to impersonate someone else is still theoretical. Bk1: “Mishra...” Evelyn shakes her head slowly in bewilderment. “I worked with her for years. I should have noticed. How did I miss it?” “These undercover incogs are rumored to be experts at what they do,” Rook says. “We believe they’ve been trained to embed themselves for years before acting. So don’t be too hard on yourself.” I nod but still find it hard to believe. Bk1: Virtual incognito identification mirroring is a theoretical threat, not a known one.

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