Top 15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Company in IndeedSEO | World Anvil
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Top 15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Company

Search Engine Optimization keeps on altering and when it does, it provides a better user experience. To have a reach, there should be a keyword strategy that will need intent research, content marketing, and Google ranking. It’s better to have more than one SEO expert in a team for efficiency and proper results. What is the best scenario? It is when an SEO company grows traffic to your website, improves your site’s search ranking, and helps in generating sales revenue and leads. And thus, increase in business growth. What is the worst scenario? When an SEO company is involved in black hat techniques, disappears when there arises penalty, and provides less traffic.   Hiring an SEO company is a difficult decision task, but if hired properly it should be the best as then only it would be easier to attain the results that your website needs. If your site has this term so-called “profitable traffic” then it would lead you to place your page on Google; and no need to pay anything for the traffic as it is earned so your profit margins are magnificent.    



1. What is the time duration that you will spend understanding the business?

For SEO to be successful, the business you are working with should be understood well and perfectly, otherwise, Google won’t be able to understand it. If proper research is not taken place, then the entire SEO strategy will be uneven.  

2. How would SEO Companies approach to deliver positive results?

  Make sure they follow the below-mentioned effective elements of SEO strategies and balance them effectively and equally. As follows: –   Technical SEO – SEO companies take into consideration the following factors code, the structure of the webpage, site speed, and many others that would impact search traffic. SEO technical review is wherein the SEO company makes sure that what and all will lead to crawling of the site and its errors like 404 or 308 and will analyze redirects among other tasks.   UX – It is the optimization of the content of digital properties. An SEO company will analyze the user’s problems related to the site, content, navigation, and also keyword optimization.   Off-Page SEO – It wherein improves SEO presence by links, improving and strengthening branding and popularity of the page and content. SEO companies will look for opportunities to enhance domain and page authority via links to your website from various other properties.  

3. What are the strategies that SEO companies will adapt to your business branding or industry?

  SEO companies are aware of how to tackle and bring on a unique approach that will cater to your industry, branding, and aims. Different strategies are required for different industries that vary from local business to major business with a global market. So, SEO is not a one-tap solution.  

4. How would the Company describe its success results?

Well, that’s a tricky question. There are no companies that will deliver you page one rankings and if they did then they are the SEO companies who use black hat techniques and are full of crappy ideas. These companies give a bad image to the entire SEO industry. Nobody should give a response to this question without doing proper research.   This is where a legitimate top SEO Company in India will research what our site is about, and execute plans like how to work to achieve the desired goals. Legitimate ones will prioritize optimization of keywords, creation of content, site review, and many more.

5. What is the time duration of success results?

Well, effective SEO takes time. And for that legitimate SEO Companies are best as they make use of techniques. For a change to happen, the site should be properly structured and free from errors. Make sure they point out factors that should be cleaned up. If not then it’s better not to choose as they will be using spam techniques that will end up in penalty.   6. What are the ways that are been used to do keyword research?   Modern keywords are an exercise that understands the user’s intent. It makes sure to provide content according to users’ search for a keyword phrase. Be aware of SEO companies who talk often about the number of searches for a keyword and its density. This itself mentions clearly that they are using an outdated methodology. SEO companies should be able to present the most popular words for your startup page and on the inside page that will drive more organic traffic to the site.  

7. Name the tools that are been used.

  Best SEO Companies will have numerous tools as audits and other tasks will be carried on. Just make ensure that they use it properly.  

8. How are companies going to report the progress?

  Ask for a sample to ensure that are their strategies towards the attainment of goals. Be sure to select the best as some will not be able to mention their progress. As Google’s algorithm keeps on changing, or altering content, it will fluctuate search results. Being SEO a long-time strategy, never try to rush up things as that will lead to being in a loss.  

9. What is a backlinks strategy?

  Still, there are many businesses without a backlink strategy, which is the base of Google’s algorithm. Without a backlink, it’s difficult to rank in Google. No links pointing to your site then that means there are no active measures taking place. Make sure that you ask them for a link profile so that it will show that they are legitimate.  

10. Is blog an important one?

  Are blogs relevant to your site? Well yes, it has a relevant purpose. Blogs are helpful as content drives traffic, which will in turn result in new business opportunities and/or better audience reach. Your site should cover topics that no one else will have covered on their site. And not just ranking locally but also nationwide for search terms.  

11. Is it mobile-friendly?

  Nowadays people use mobile a lot. Mobile is the easiest way where customers can reach your site wherever they are. With a good mobile experience, an SEO company should consider site design and structure, page speed, and many more.  

12. Where is the company situated?

  It’s better to opt for a company that is locally situated, rather than opting for overseas. Best as long as white-hat techniques and reputed with positive results. As the companies closer to you will not take risks in SEO techniques.  

13. How communication will take place?

  Communication is a vital part. To clarify your business doubts it’s better to ask your SEO company to find one as it will be easier to be available round the clock to answer your doubts. Make sure you be updated with your progress by the SEO company’s reports.  

14. How does pricing work?

  SEO is not a low-cost solution. So, to get good outcomes and quality services, it’s better to make time and money investments. To generate traffic and increase the business revenue funnel then OfCourse is chargeable. SEO company’s pricing can be on an hourly/ monthly/ project basis. Make sure you ask them when to pay the same and ask for a report for the task performed.  

15. Do you carry out content writing services?

  Content forms an integral part of online success. So, it should be consistent, trustworthy, relevant, and related most importantly. If there are companies who provide writing services, ask them will they edit as per SEO guidelines too. Ask for a sample to confirm for a go.  


  SEO is a giant puzzle and a complex field. A daunting task is to choose the best one, as they plan and organize according to the updated methods and practices and will let your site attain proper results. So, for an effective SEO, the most important is to concentrate on the user’s quality for a particular search than compare with ranking and quality links. And because of all this, you will be able to track black-hat SEOs.   Are you looking for the top SEO Company in India to improve your ranking or user interaction? What other questions do you have in your mind to ask an SEO company?

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