The Mud Festival Tradition / Ritual in Imana | World Anvil
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The Mud Festival

The Mud Festival is an annual celebration for residents of Mudvein. Residents partake in feasts, drinking, and most importantly - a mud fight. The festival lasts for two days with the mud fight occurs at the peak of the celebration, the afternoon of the second day. Much like a snowball fight during the winter, residents grab chunks of mud and sling it at anyone and everyone.


The Mud Festival has it's origins in a personal dispute between two Mudvein residents. Their heated disagreement reached the point where one resident began slinging mud at the other. The situation began to draw a crowd. When a stray clump of mud hit a bystander, she picked up her own mud and threw back. In moments the entire town was slinging mud. The chaos only ended when everyone was too tired. Looking around at each other, laughter began to erupt, even among the two who started it all. The event was talked about for days, and the Townmaster of Mudvein declared the event a holiday. Each year after, the town got together to have a friendly mud fight. Over time the two day feast was added into the festivities.

Components and tools

The needs of the festival are rather simple: food, drink, and mud. Food and drink are prepared by The Mud Flow, paid for out of taxes, so that no one has to worry about their tab for the festival (any travelers who wish to participate can do so for a nominal fee). Mud-Baked Fish is espececially popular during the festival.   The mud used for the fight is prepared in advance. It is run through screens and filters to remove rocks and debris, a necessary step after a chunk of mud containing a rock struck and killed a young girl one year. The mud is stored in barrels around town when prepared and participants are allowed to use mud from the barrels or scraped off of themselves (such as from being hit). Picking mud off of the ground is strictly prohibited and can lead to being kicked out of the festival.


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