Fredegar Proudfoot Character in Imana | World Anvil
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Fredegar Proudfoot (FREH-duh-gahr)

Fredegar Ferdinand Proudfoot

Fredegar is the egotistical owner of the Mud 'n' Ore Forge. His weapons are some of the finest in the region, and he knows it. He also does extensive work for the Steelhammer Guild, as he is the only blacksmith brave enough to set up shop in Mudvein.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hammering metals all day leaves Fredegar muscular and fit. He does suffer from some joint pain, but powers through it for now.

Identifying Characteristics

Fredegar is covered in many small scars from burns and tools. He considers them as badges of honor and memories of previous work.

Apparel & Accessories

Fredegar is usually seen wearing heavy aprons and gloves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fredegar was born and raised in Al Ennore. After years of smithing for someone else, he set out to open his own forge. He chose Mudvein to allow access to first choice of ores.


Fredegar has both informal and formal blacksmith training. He got his start working soft metals over the family's stove. Eventually he was accepted as an apprentice of a proper blacksmith.


Fredegar owns and operates the Mud 'n' Ore Forge. He started the forge after working as a hired blacksmith by the Steelhammer Guild for over ten years. Before that he spent years as an apprentice for another blacksmith shop in Al Ennore.   Although he still works closely with the guild, he isn't a guild employee anymore. His work for them is entirely contract based. This allows Fredegar the freedom he desires to work on other projects, such as weapons and armor for sale to the public.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fredegar considers his greatest accomplishment was becoming the head blacksmith in the Steelhammer Guild. Most considered his work objectively better than any of the other blacksmiths employed there.

Failures & Embarrassments

Early in Fredegar's days working at the Steelhammer Guild, he made a mistake that contributed to the loss of a Miner. A wagon axle that he made and stamped with his initials snapped at an inopportune time. A miner pulling a cart near a ledge, when the cart hit a bump and broke the axle. The contents of the cart, a thousand pounds of ore, fell over the ledge, landing on another miner.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fredegar has an eye for detail. He notices the smallest of impurities that others can't see. He also has an extensive knowledge on ores and will happily talk about it to anyone unfortunate enough to listen.

Personality Characteristics


Fredegar continually desires to produce finer weapons and armor. He feels he's reached a plateau on tools. Any higher quality there isn't particularly noticed and not worth the effort. As for weapons and armor, he continues to improve his techniques to produce better products.

Likes & Dislikes

Fredegar enjoys looking over fresh ore shipments to see what it holds.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fredegar has developed into a bit of an alcoholic. It started as a way to deal with his joint pain at the end of the day, but he frequently drinks far more than he ought to.


Fredegar doesn't pay attention to his hygiene unless he has a particular reason to. His work leaves him filthy after even a little work.


Family Ties

Fredegar's aging parents still live in Al Ennore. He returns to visit a few brief times a year, usually coinciding with meetings with the Steelhammer Guild.

Social Aptitude

Fredegar's has developed an overinflated ego based on his work. He considers himself the best blacksmith. Even though many agree, he doesn't respond to criticism well.


His voice is deep and gravely from years of standing over hot, smoking forges.

Wealth & Financial state

Fredegar's business is likely the most profitable in town, outside of The Mud Flow and the mine's ore output. Fredegar pays his employees well, about 5gp per day, plus commisions. He has a chest that holds his savings of 2,000gp. The any profit beyond that is reinvested into the forge, or spent on alcohol.
Current Status
Producing fine weapons and equipment for Mudvein and the Steelhammer Guild
Current Location
Date of Birth
28 Iajacoh, 66 AN
Year of Birth
66 AN 46 Years old
Current Residence
Dark brown, squinty
Greasy, black, pulled back into a braided ponytail and thick beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale but sooty, covered in scars from burns and tools
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The finest metals make for the best tools."
"The best you can get, I'd bet my life on it."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fredegar is fluent in Common and Halfling. He knows bits of the Dwarvish script which he uses for traditional engraving, but his translating isn't perfect and doesn't hold up to scrutiny by any fluent readers.
Ruled Locations

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