The Continent of Lumsk Geographic Location in Illior | World Anvil
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The Continent of Lumsk

The continent of Lumsk is a large landmass which was once heavily forested prior to the Essencinical Revolution of the Arkaiin people and the arrival of the Lukanians who deforested much of the land for farming practices. The lands have a semi fertile soil which means the Lukanians have to take up large stretches for farming whilst they also try to maintain their connection to the forests and trees. The Lukanian settlements sprawl from the Western coasts, on which they first landed, out towards to the large inland sea and lakes to the East of the centre of the continent making them the largest empire on the continent. Their dominance of the seas has allowed them to secure the Great Lakes of Manitos and Alanshk as well as the inland Wernal Sea but beyond these is a vast desert littered with the ruins of the once great Senviric Empire, the first Arkaiins. Their North Western territories were border with the Marlinians who inhabit Selinic Tundra which has a natural barrier in the North and East with the Nomel Mountain Range and the Suicital Mountain Range respectively. The Suicital Mountain range spans all the way to the North Eastern shores of Lumsk and is a perilous and unforgiving landscape which few have dared to explore. North of this however is the Vast Abyss, a land of pure ice and snow which can be seen from the mountain ranges on a clear day and stretches out further than the eye can see. To the knowledge of all the peoples on the continent nothing lives out there. On the Eastern and North Eastern reaches of Lumsk lay the cities of the Arkaiins. Though not a coastal race the Arkaiins have coastal research outposts on the Eastern (Ochre) Sea to study the seas effectively, such facilities as also used to test ocean faring exploration ships and weapons to aid with exploration and a military presence in the Great Lakes and Wernal Sea respectively. The Arkaiins are bordered on their West by the Arna Desert, the Great Lakes and Wernal Sea. The Southern coast features sheer cliff faces, shallow reefs, whirlpools and jagged rocks alongside strong currents which all but prevent traversal for military vessels; only the most skilled captains have explored the Reefs of Garn and lived to tell the tale In the Western Ocean, the Asha Ocean, not too far from the mainland lays the Ormsk Islands, a cluster of small volcanic islands each with an active volcano. Home to the Ormskinians these islands host a myriad of tropical flora and fauna, much of which is poisonous. Beyond the oceans lays another landmass that has long since been forgotten about by the Lukanian people who had once lived there. With the oceans being so vast and unpredictable traversal has yielded no survivors. This does not stop the Arkaiins and the people of Turmfik from attempting to explore them however. The Lukanians, the renowned and better sailors have little interest in the world beyond, focusing more on the world that they now inhabit those bold enough to seek such adventure however tend to end up in Turmfik.

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